☹️the talk😔

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y/ns pov

Its been a week since I last talked to Xavier after the thing that happened at the festival.

Today we are basically doing community service but we are getting assigned to a job around Jericho, as they are passing around the cards that holds the job we are going to do I see Xavier in the corner of my eye staring at me so I quickly turn my head towards him but he quickly turns his head toward principal Weems who is giving a speech that i'm not listening to.

As she is done with her speech I open my card and see that I am going to be working at  pilgrim world, " y/n what did you get " Enid asks "i got pilgrim world" I say "thats great y/n I got pilgrim world to which makes a lot of since because i'm really good with people" she says "thats cool" I say to her "anyways i'm gonna go see what Wednesday got" Enid says "ok bye" I say.

time skip

I walk into the coffee shop so I could go talk to Tyler since I got bored at pilgrim world but I quickly see Xavier "hey y/n can I talk to you abt smth" Xavier says "no" I say "please hear me out" He says back .

"fine go ahead talk" I say with a annoyed tone "look y/n I over reacted back at the carnival I shouldn't have screamed at you " he said "keep going" I say "look what i'm trying to say is i'm sorry can you please forgive me" He says.

A/n: shit my bad sorry for not posting I was just getting ready and doing my finals for this semester so please forgive me for not updating 

Ps: I might not make another chapter for this week so I might update next week

Keyword: MIGHT

Love yall and good day🫠

♡BLACK EYE♡ Xavier Thorpe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now