chpter 9. hehehe 69

827 16 11

y/ns pov

the next morning I had bags under my eyes since I slept till 6am sooooooooo, I checked the time and it was 4:50 pm " SHIT IM SUPPOSED TO GO SHOPPING FOR A DRESS WITH ENID" I scream while getting out of my bed and dropping on the floor while crawling "wait cant I just walk" I say while getting up and walking to my closet .

I quickly pick out sweat pants and a AC/DC shirt while putting my socks on and shoes to (thats right I spelled shoes right Hahaha no more hoes).

after I done brushing my teeth and hair I see yoko walk in holding a bottle of blood "YOKO WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP" I yell at her "bro calm down I forgot" she says "ohhh youre gonna forget abt this because ima snatch that bottle out of your hand "you wouldnt dare" she says "oh I would dare" I say while walking up to her and snatching the bottle of blood out of her hand and putting it on my desk.

 "now lets go find enid we need to go find a dress for the rave'N" I say "ok but give me my bottle of blood back" she says "ok" I say while handing it to her.


                                                my weirdo<3

I see you through the window

stop lying Im near the window dumbass stop trynna scare me😡

you dont know what im capable of 

You know what youre capable of My Love🥰😍😘 love ya boo but im picking out a dress rn so like dont try and online fuck me rn wait till I get back to nevermore k😽

ur supposed to be scared of me

bb you dont scare me bc Im inlove with you🥵

you weird bitch

😡 take that back youre just angry because I told you to wait and online fuck me when I get back too never more


seen at 5:34 pm


a/n:hope you liked this chaputer

♡BLACK EYE♡ Xavier Thorpe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now