🌧️the weekend🌧️

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y/ns pov

I wake up at 1pm because of yesterday.

I decide to go into town to get a (favorite coffee) but when I look outside I see rain pouring. Shit I forgot my umbrella lemme as Yoko if I can borrow hers I think "hey Yoko can I borrow your umbrella so I can get a (favorite coffee or drink)" I say "ok but get me something too" Yoko says "sure what do you want" I ask her " get me something random" she says "ok sure" I say as I grab her umbrella.

(time skip) 

I made it to this coffee shop it looked calm so I decided to go in and order my favorite drink/coffee "hello what can I get you" a teen says behind the counter "hi can I get a (favorite drink or coffee) and a (random drink)" I ask "ok to go or here" he asks "to go please" I say with a smile. "ok" he says as he starts making the drinks but as soon as I blink for one second I hear the machine break so I go up to him accidentally scaring "shit sorry didn't mean t scare do you need some help" I ask him "uh yeah but can you read Italian " he asks "yes my father taught me" I say to him "btw whats your name" I ask him "oh its Tyler" he says "well Tyler i'm Y/n" I say "any ways hand me a screw-diver" I say while reading the instructions "ok" Tyler says while walking to a toolbox." Here" he says "thx" i say while fixing the machine, as it starts to work again he looks at "hey do you wanna go to the festival with me" Tyler asks "yeah sure when is it" I ask "next week" He says "ok meet you there Tyler" I say while grabbing the drinks and leaving. As I look outside I see its sunny again as I start to walk to the academy.

♡BLACK EYE♡ Xavier Thorpe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now