Wine 🤯🤯

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We pulled into Mias driveway and kinda just sat there in silence for a good couple minutes. Vada let out a sigh "well let's do this" she said opening the car door and getting out. I followed as she made her way to Mias door step. Mia opened the door and we exchanged the same awkward 'heys' that we had done in the car.
"You can come in" Mia smiled opening the door all the way and stepping back. Vada walked in and i once again followed her like a lost puppy.
"Damn you have a nice house" I said in awe.
"Thanks my dads are artists so-"
Vada cut her off "your parents are artists?! That's so freaking cool!" Vada and i continued to complement Mia and her house like five year olds until she offered us some wine.

"Shit sure" I smiled in awe at how cool everything about Mia was.
"Yeah me too" vada said in the same awe struck tone. We both sat on stools while Mia fetched the wine like a bartender.
"Okay I have to be real with you because if I'm not I dunno when I'm gonna say it but I watched some of your dancing videos on Instagram and I have to say your just like when your dancing you come off as like so hard or whatever and what I'm trying to say is you're a completely different person when you're dancing and in real life you're like so different" vada rambled.
"Yeah I don't know why I'm like that- it's like- yeah" Mia chuckled placing her chin in her hand.
"Yeah It's like super cool that you're able to just switch into a different mode like I could never do something like that it's dope" I chimed in.
"Well thank you" Mia smiles.
I grabbed my glass and started chugging the deep red liquid while vada on the other head seemed a little more hesitant. She gripped the glass with two hands took a small sip and then jerked her head back trying to  hide her sour face, which she of course failed.
"Oh do you not like it? Cause I have a few others-" Mia started.
"No, no it's great- best wine I've had like ever" vada smiled setting her glass down.
"Okayyy then" Mia shrugs. Vadas phone buzzed for what must've been the 5th time since I picked her up.
"I'm sorry I'm jus gonna- my mom keeps checking on me. I'll turn it off" vada sighs. "Quinton told me that his brothers service is tomorrow" I said breaking the awkward silence.
"Already?" Mia asked.
"Yeah I-"
"That's great"
"Oh yeah nick told me some religions do them like fast. I was thinking about going- would that be weird?" Vada asked looking up at me.
"No. No, I don- I don't think so. I mean you can tag along with me- and Mia too if you guys want" I suggested.
"Yeah no I Um yeah if you uh cool so I'm yeah good with you-" Mia and vada stuttered trying to find the right thing to say.
"Alright cool let's do it!" Mia said.
"Can I ask you guys a question?" Vada speaks shyly.
"Yeah of course" Mia and I say at the same time.
"Did you have like the crazy nightmares afterwards?"
"I mean it's just like on repeat in my head and I can't stop it then when I'm awake I'm so scared something else is gonna happen it sucks either way" I spoke.
"You have to be able to sleep to have nightmares" mia said in a shaky voice before taking a big gulp of wine.

After talking for a while and getting to know each other we decided it would be best to part ways now and prepare for the service tomorrow. I agreed to pick up vada 2 hours early so we could get ready at Mias and then I would drive us there.

A/N ~ not super fun but look at you drinking wine you fancy little dude
I'm working on some fun chapters 🤭 😏 that will probably be out later tonight or tomorrow

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