Do you want a starbucks 🤬🙄👹💩

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"Shit my parents are definitely up" Vada groaned checking the time.
"Is your window unlocked?"  I suggested.
"Might as well try" Vada sighed unbuckling herself and getting out of the car, closing the door as quietly as possible. We snuck around the side of the house making out way to her window.
"Well this it it" Vada said staring up the big window above us. "Please me open" she whispered pressing her hands against the glass and pushing up. The window rose ever so slightly before vadas arms collapsed by her side with a loud huff.
"Guess I won't be sneaking in your window" I chuckled.
"It's- a lot- easier to open from- the inside!" Vada grunted pushing the window up once more.
"Let me try" I said reaching towards the small gap between the window and the windowsill. It was only a struggle for a few seconds before the window slid upwards with ease.
"No fucking way"Vada panted.
"I'm jus so incredibly jacked that anything is easy for me" I smirked flexing my barely noticeable muscles.
"Yeah yeah whatever" Vada smiled. We held eye contact until her eyes drifted to the window and her smile dropped. "I guess I have to go now huh"
"Well I mean we could run away and not tell your parents anything ultimately getting you in like major shit" I joked.
"Ha I wish" Vadas laugh was hallow and broken as she pulled me into a hug. "Bye Y/n" I heard a mumbled sniffle come from the face buried in my jacket. "Wait actually- can I have this one too?" Vada pulled away pointing the sweatshirt I was wearing.
"I'm gonna lose all my hoodies to you huh" I smiled a small bit of pink dusting my cheeks as I pulled the sweat shirt over my head to hide it. As my arm reached out to hand Vada the sweatshirt I felt her rush into my arms once again.
"Okay bye for real this time" she said heading to the window a small small still plastered on her gorgeous face. I waited to see Vada inside and watched her close the window giving me a small wave as I turned to walk back to my car.

Driving away from Vadas house the only thing I could think about was what had happened at the park earlier. He words still echoing in my head
I think you're the prettiest person I've ever met.
It didn't matter how many times She replayed In my head just thinking of her my face grew hot and I whipped my head around anxiously to make sure no one saw me a blushing mess.

Pulling into my drive way I grabbed my backpack and made my way inside to my room. My parents weren't home once again which meant I could really do whatever I wanted.
So I lay in my room with the curtains drawn and the lights off hidden under my covers looking back at pictures of me and Vada.

Eventually I was tired of scrolling through pictures that made me feel lonely and I guess kinda frustrated. I mean I'm friends with the most beautiful girl ever and Of course I have to have The Fattest crush on her when I know I'm too pussy to ever confess. Perfect. Throwing my phone across the bed I buried my face under my blankets and squeezed my eyes shut waiting for this stupid feeling to go away.

When I woke up I was lost, I almost forgot where I was it was so dark, I had no Idea what time it was or why I felt like such shit. Suddenly I heard a ping followed by a blue light  illuminating my room.


Wanna come to Mias w me?




I stood up my hand instantly going to my wall as my vision blurred and the familiar dizziness hit me. Once my little moment passed I reached to open my curtains and was hit with a sudden blinding light my hands shooting up to cover my eyes. Rubbing them I groaned before pulling out my phone to check the time 11:36. Letting out a sigh I walked over to my laundry bin that was full of clean clothes I "forgot" to put away a week ago. I pulled out a pair of comfy clothes and pulled off my slightly sweaty nap attire. Raising my arms I stretched out my back with a small sigh. I then scrambled to find my back back and keys. Once I made sure I had everything I made my way out the door and to my car. I didn't bother connecting my phone as I knew Vada would want to in less than ten minutes so I just played whatever was on the radio and began the drive to Vadas house.



A few moments later Vada came out wearing basketball shorts and a funky button down.

"Nice outfit" I laughed when she opened the car door.
"Shut up"
"No I'm serious I like it" my laugh died down into a sincere smile while Vada looked away and pulled out her phone connecting to the cars Bluetooth. Sudden this music started blaring out of the speakers. I instantly reached for the volume knob and I guess Vada did too because My hand never reached the dial instead I was met by warm gentle fingers. My eyes darted too Vada. My eyes met hers and I could tell she didn't know what too do she was frozen her eyes wide and trained on me. I gently removed my hand and gave a small laugh. She turned down the volume so it was placing just in the background before folding her hands on her lap.

"You know what my sister said today?" Vada spoke up.
"She came into my room and was like do you wanna go to Starbucks? in her sassy little girl voice and I was like no and then she was like Do you want a Starbucks? In the most judgmental tone EVER and I was like uhh no. And then she just stood there for a little bit and the was like Im totally gonna make mom get me something with caffeine in it. There is no way that girl needs it I swear she's like a 20 year old influencer stuck in a 11 year olds body." Vada Giggled a small smile remaining on her face while she told her story. I remained quite giving the occasional hmm and simply admiring the girls feature while remembering to glance back at the road every once in a while. I was only pulled out of my trance when I realized Vada had gone quite and was no staring back at me I followed her eyes as the went from my eyes down to my lips and back up to my eyes. I watched as he cheeks became softly dusted with pink. I wanna kiss her so bad.
I broke our eye contact looking back at the road seeing the once red light had changed to green. Now I made sure to keep my eyes on the road as I could feel a pair of eyes watching me carefully,it felt as if the were going to bur right through me.

It felt like forever and yet as if no time had passed once we pulled up to Mia's. We sat in the car for a good minute or so in silence neither one of us making a move to get out. Eventually I'd had enough and got out walked around and opened the door for Vada. She got out silently and we walked into Mia's together.

I just couldn't get over what happened in the car. What was that.

First time updating in a while
I'll be updating more frequently again

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