Wildin ✊😔

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Vada Mia and I were all on Mia's couch watching 1000 pound sisters. Vadas head was in my lap while I gently play with her hair, Mia was laying on a pillow pressed up against my leg.
"Are you guys hungry?" Vada asked her voice small and quite.
"I could eat" I shrugged.
"Me too" Mia spoke sitting up.

Mia ended up ordering us all food and getting us each a drink.
"This is really good" Vada smiled stuffing her face.
"I'm spilling it everywhere!" Mia laughed.
"It is really good" I mumbled trying to keep all the food in my mouth.
"Are your dads really chill?" Vada asked.
Mia nodded reaching for her wine.
"They travel a lot tho, huh?" I added on
"Mostly Europe"
"For like, fun?" Vada asked.
"Work" Mia said covering her mouth.
"Do they send people to spy on you or do they just like trust you not to throw a bunch of ragers?"
Mia laughed "I mean they know I'm not like a rager person so-" Mia took a sip of her wine.
Vada and I continued asking questions learning more about Mia and each other. Turns out Mias like super into dance and Vada isn't really one to talk to her parents.

The rest of the day was pretty chill jus eating, laying around, watching Tv, occasionally drinking. It was late now and we were all laying in Mia's bed. Mia was half asleep snuggled up on one side of me while Vada was sitting up a little more yawning every now and then. after a bit her head dropped o my shoulder causing me to tense at first but I ended up relaxing into it.

"It's late, I gotta get home" vada Whispered in my ear not wanting to startle Mia. She got up and I began sliding out of the bed too until a felt a hand on my arm-
"Can you stay?" Mia was looking up at me with tired yet frightened eyes. I looked back to vada who was now standing at the door with her shoes on.
"It's late" I replied.
"Just till I fall asleep" She pleaded.
I gave a soft nod sliding back to my place in the bed and resuming the show on her laptop. I pulled out my keys and handed them to Vada whispering for her to go start the car and that I'd be out soon. She complied heading out making sure to close the door softly.
After a few minutes I could hear Mia's breath slow along with a few sniffles. I gently closed her laptop and placed it on her nightstand. I took the Pillow Vada was laying on earlier and placed it where I had just been. I then tip toed away closing her door and making my way down the hall and out the door. Vada was waiting in the car talking to someone on her phone. I quietly opened the door and slid into my seat once again quietly closed the door. Vada finished up her conversation and we drove back in silence.

"Thank you. For like- everything"vada said unbuckling her seat belt.
"Yeah of course" I smiled softly.
"Walk me to the door?" Vada smiled hopefully.
Once we were at her door she turned to me and looked like she wanted to say something but instead she just pulled me into a tight hug. I felt my shirt grow wet which meant she must've been crying. We just should there holding each other, I rubbed her back while she cried and told her everything's okay and that I was there placing small kisses on her head. She pulled away wiping her eyes, "Sorry I don't know what happened" She tried laughing it off.
"You don't have to be sorry for anything" I said reassuringly. She then pulled me back into another hug, this one was much shorter but I could still feel the desperation in it.
I heard a muffled "I love you" followed by a chocked sob. It broke my heart and melted it at the same time. All this was coming out of no where I felt myself grow anxious but I didn't dare let it show, Vada had enough to deal with. I slowly pulled away and softly held her face.
"I love you too Vada, Goodnight" I watched her turn and walk into the house before disappearing behind her door. I walked back to my car, my heart and mind racing.

As I laid in bed that night all I could think about was Vada and Mia, even when I tried too tear my mind away from them it always came right back. I groaned rolling over so my face was in my pillow. I dozed off and dry thoughts turned into dreams and soon enough I couldn't tell my thoughts from my dreams. Suddenly I heard a ping, my head shot up and I reached for my phone. It was Vada-


Are you up?

What's up?

My screen changed, Vada was FaceTiming me.

"Hey" her voice was groggy and quiet.
"Are you okay?" The anxious feeling from before was coming back.
"Yeah just a bad dream, it's late why are you up?"
"You kinda woke me up I've been drifting in and out of sleep so it's whatever's"
"Do you think we could stay on the phone in case like one of us has a bad dream or something?"
"Yeah of course" I reached over and plugged my phone in while also propping it up so I could get comfortable. It's didn't take long for Vada too fall back asleep, she looks exhausted I mean she's developed kind of a permanent tired look since it happened but right now she looked exhausted. My eyes began tracing her face, admiring her beauty. The only thing making her visible was the light coming from her phone, Illuminating her face it brought me back to the sunrise date. Admiring her while she slept, I'd developed this feeling of wanting to protect her and make her happy. She made me feel so many different things what once was a small crush was now much more, I was falling hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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