After math😰😰

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"What's that?" Vada asked pointing to the small object in my hand.
"Something to make this moment even better- weed" I said with a small smirk assembling the cart and pen.
"Uhh that doesn't look like a joint to me"
"Cause its not dummy its a dab pen. all the good stuff is the yellow oil inside. shit gets you fucked" I felt my smirk grow. "Oh shit we don't have too if you don't want to" I said looking at the now nervous girl beside me.
"Nono I do its just- I've never like done drugs before" She said whispering the last part.
"Haha ohh shit Vadas first high" I laughed.
"Yeah and it better be dope as fuck!"
"Yeah yeah okay Ill show you how and then let you try okay?" Vada responded with a eager nod watching me intently. I slowly went through the motions making them big and obvious so she didn't mess up. I then took another quick hit before passing it to vada. I watched her take a longggg hit, hold it, and then burst into a fit of coughing.
"Damn girl you didn't need to take that big of a hit!!" I laughed.
"Shut up" she said still coughing.
"How about I hold it for you and I'll tell you when to stop?" I was met with another nod. So I took the pen holding down the button and offering it to her. He lips wrapped around the end and she began to breathe in. "Anndd stop" I said pulling it away from her. She waited a second before blowing smoke out with only a small cough as the last bit of smoke left her mouth. "See it's not too hard" I said babying her.
"You know what is hard tho.... MY DICK" She said busting out laughing.
"Oh my fucking god" I giggled taking another hit.

It's been about an hour Vada and I are zooted off our asses and all the snacks are gone. We were both huddled together in the blanket vada had cuddled up to me with legs wrapped around my back and her face now buried in my chest, shes so fucking adorable bro. Beach house played distantly from the shared earbuds as I absent minded my stroked Vadas soft dark hair.
"It's coldddd" Vada whined wrapping herself up in the blanket and scooting closer to me.
"Wimp" I snickered wrapping my arm around the small girl.
"Shut up" She smiled nudging me with her shoulder.
"What ever you say pretty girl" I said in what i thought was an obviously fake flirtatious tone but when I wasn't met with one of Vadas signature snarky one backs I looked over to see her- blushing?? With out conscious will of my own I blurted out "Awwww is someone blushinggggg" With a fat grin on my face. I watched as her face grew even redder.
"Shut up" she said again only much quieter
"Do you ever think about how our lives would be if we met sooner?" Vada suddenly speaks.

"All the time actually but I'm not of a fan of sitting around thinking of the past it's all so much I'd rather jus be present all the time not thinking of what's happened before or what might happen nexts, life jus easy that way I guess"

"Y/n do you ever think like how much easier life would be if everyone had a little detector built into there brains so they know if the person they like likes them back"

"OooOooO Sounds like my little Vada has a crushhhhh" I said with a big goofy grin on my face trying to hide my anxiety and what felt like a small tinge of jealousy even though she hasn't said anything about actually like someone.

"I dunno things are weird between us" Vada said twirling my hair as she spoke. "I mean theyre literally the most attractive person like on planet earth and sometimes I feel like they like me but sometimes it's like I feel like maybe they only talk to me to be with this other girl"

"Vada if this person doesn't like you I will personally beat them up with everything in me youre the most perfect human being I have ever met and will ever meet."

"Thanks y/n" she said with a soft smile and cloudy eyes half covered by droopy eyelids.
"Ya'know it's crazy I think about all the things I wanna do for this person and yet I've never even kissed someone before-"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH" I said maybe a little to loud because it made Vada jump a little. "You've never kissed anyone?!" I whisper yelled.

"No ones ever like, like liked me or atleast no one ever told me so I never kissed anyone"

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