Chapter 3 | Did That Really Happen?

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Narrator: As we can see, going to see Wakanda Forever was the perfect choice for these two. Now that the movie is over, which place will Cliff pick to go to afterward, the ice cream shop or a nice restaurant to have dinner? But the next question is will drama follow them or will this be the best official first date for the books...

Murda's POV
The movie was finally over but Cliff won't let us leave because she wants to see if there are any of those end-credit scenes that Marvel always adds to show what the next Marvel movie or TV series will be about. She says "fake Marvel fans leave as soon as the movie is over with but real ones stay to see everything." We sat there all this time just to find out the movie didn't even have an end credit scene after all, so I thought because the end credit scene just came on. As we finally walk out of the auditorium after the scene was over, Cliff and I were holding hands as we walked to the exit door. "do you wanna go out for ice cream or dinner?" she started thinking as I opened the door and let her go through the door first. "let's go for ice cream. I've been craving for some butter pecan ice cream chilee" I like the sound of that, I wonder which ice cream shop is still open Mississippi Ice Cream Parlor or Delta Ice Cream on Main Street.

As we walk to the parking lot, the same dudes from earlier were just standing around by their cars and I made sure to walk in front of Cliff because I'll hate for a niggah to try her because we all should know by now I'll fuck them all up in a heartbeat. One of the men from the group shouted out "take y'all ass home. we don't wanna see that gay shit out in public." I started to walk towards them but Cliff grabbed my hand and when I looked at her, it looked like she wanted to cry and just go so I walked to the car and helped Cliff get in. That was until I heard this "yeah, get in the car with your punk ass." Now the smoke was up, now I have the right to fuck a niggah up right quick. I hear Cliff in the car screaming "MURDA! don't do it, let's just go." She just didn't know that I can't let niggahs be just out here disrespecting us as a couple because they feel the need to. She's my shawty and I'm her niggah that's not letting shit slide from a niggah.

I reached for my 45 and aimed it at them. Could you believe these niggas were so scared? One niggah looked like he peed or shitted on himself. Another one throw his hands up and said "nahh, my niggah you good. we were just playing. we don't want no problem. do we y'all?" he turned to look at them and they shook their head in agreement but I wanted to scare them now. I still shot one time toward them and watched all of them hop in their cars and bounced. I was mad but I started laughing because I just couldn't believe this shit happened. I got in the car and Cliff was shaking a little. "Cliff, my niggah, everything alright them niggas gone. you know I wasn't letting anything happen to my baby. now let's go get you that ice cream" I wiped the tears off her face and she shook her head okay. I was upset now that happened and my baby's beautiful face has tears falling. I went to Maps on my phone to see which ice cream shop was still open and the closest to us. I cranked up the car and we went to Mississippi Ice Cream Parlor. She got her favorite ice cream and I got a scoop of chocolate ice cream. Afterward, we went back to the car, ate our ice cream, talked for a while, and then went back home.

I was so exhausted from everything that happened that when we got back, as soon as Cliff and I finished our shower, I just laid down in bed. Cliff was at her vanity doing her nightly face routine. "shawty, why you don't get a TV in your room? we can't even watch shows that be coming on?" she laughed a little but I was asking her a serious question. "bwoy I don't need no television and don't no good shows come on that I like to watch" I was confused about what she could be doing in this room with no TV when I'm not home. "so what do you do in here when I'm not home?" I looked around clueless as to what could she possibly do in here. "I just lay in the bed and look at the ceiling or my phone mostly. sometimes I am practicing different makeup and hair looks because a bitch gotta stay fly" I mean that is a way to keep herself business until I come home or until it's time for the club to open. "uh uh shawty, at the trap, I be watching all kind of good shows" Cliff gives me her confused face like she was lost or something. "like what Marques?— Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, Criminal Minds, and when my HVH niggahs are not there... I be watching these shows called P-Valley or Atlanta and they are GOOD shawty. I might have to buy us a TV so we can watch it and Muva one too because she ain't got none neither" I'm serious too because it would be nice to have one in all of our rooms. "now Marques, how she gonna watch it and she's blind?" she looks at me as if I was trippin' or something. "she can listen to it even though she can't see. she can use her imagination to picture what's going on and I'm convinced Muva isn't blind anyways. I think she can see just a little bit na" I started laughing and Cliff stared at me for a minute. "niggah what? what make you say that?" she is getting into the bed to lay down and turns her body towards me. "the other evening when I went to the kitchen, I watched her go into the fridge grab the jug of juice, poured it in a cup and walked back to the fridge to put it back up. then, at her homecoming party, when we kissed, I look at her and she was just looking at us smiling. I think she was smiling because she could see us kissing" Cliff laughed at me and hit my shoulder. "bwoy that sounds crazy as hell— I'm serious Cliff" I started thinking is Cliff trippin' because I know she is seeing Muva doing crazy things too so. "bwoy bye, good night Marques" I laughed and we cuddled together and fell right to sleep in each other's arms.

the next morning...

It's the next morning and Cliff is still asleep so I quietly went downstairs and saw Mother Ernestine sitting at the kitchen table waiting on me. "good morning Muva" I walk over to the table and give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She playfully wipes her face with her hand. "niggah I don't know what you and Clifford were doing last night" I laughed because I knew she was right but she knew I wouldn't kiss her if we just finished doing the do. "you want some bacon, eggs, and pancakes this morning Muva?" she just smiles so I knew that was a yes so I got to cooking us some breakfast. "what are you doing today Lil Murda?" I went into the fridge and took everything I needed to make breakfast. "nothing but going to the stu. I might ask Cliff if she wants to slide with me before she goes to the club" I was standing next to her as I made the pancake mix to make some pancakes and she leaned over and whispered "did you figure out what you want to give Clifford yet? where are you going to take her to give it to her?" I've been telling Mother Ernestine how I wanted to do something real special for Cliff to show her how much she means to me and that she mines forever. I think I figured out what I want to do and get her.

Just as I was going to tell Muva, I heard our room door open and Cliff came downstairs. She walked up to me and LaMarques started to swell. Anytime she is around or is touching and loving on me, LaMarques always want to act up. When I told her I stay ready in the car Murda Night, I meant that because I'm always ready for anything to happen at any time. She sat down as I finished cooking breakfast. "what are you doing today?— nothing until it's time for me to go to the club later. why? what's wrong?" I made a face and shook my head. "ain't nothing wrong, I just wanted you to come to the stu with me to listen to the beaucoup music me and DJ Neva Scared been working on— okay I'll come baby" that's exactly what I was hoping she said so I just looked at her smiling. Breakfast was ready so I fixed our plates, brought them to the table and we ate. As we are eating, I was just thinking about how I can throw down in the kitchen.

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