Chapter 13 | Tina Snow

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Narrator: I just love the framily picnic the Sayles framily had. My favorite part was Grandmuva telling them stories from back when The Pynk was once Ernestine's Juke Joint. Since Uncle Clifford beat Nineveh's ass nobody hasn't heard from her. Y'all think she hiding and laying low or do you think she's up to something against Cliff and Murda? but CONGRATULATIONS TO CLIFF! She finally was able to open the club at 100% capacity but that paper Sheriff Bailey gave Cliff might be a problem to the future of the club. Uncle Clifford better hire a security guard like Diamond to work that door because Big L slipping. Is Big L really ready to watch over the club while Cliff is on tour with Murda and Grandmuva? Speaking of Diamond, when the hell is he getting out of that damn trunk? I hope soon because The Pynk needs him. I truly feel so bad for Keyshawn because girls like her usually can't survive in jail for a long period and this Rebel character sounds like nothing but trouble for her. I can't even imagine Keyshawn having to shank someone but to protect herself, she just gotta do what she gotta do. chileee, let's see how this photoshoot going to turn out because I know it's gonna be lit.

Keyshawn's POV
Today I'm happier than most days because Uncle Clifford and Lil Murda are coming out here to visit me. They have been trying to figure out a way to get me out of here and I appreciate that. I haven't had any visitors since nobody even knew I was in here so I'm glad to finally get to see familiar faces. A guard walks up to my cell and stands at it with their hands crossed. "aye girl, you got visitors today. open Cell 10 in Block C" I get up and fix my hair in this crappy mirror while waiting for my cell door. Once it finally opened, I walked out of my cell, and follow the guard to the visiting area. As soon as we make it to the visiting area, I can see Uncle Clifford crying and Murda wiping her tears before I come to sit down. "hey Uncle Clifford, hey Lil Murda" I sat down in front of them. "omg Keyshawn. I'm so glad you're okay. how are you holding up in here?" she reaches for my hands and rubs them with a look of concern. "I'm okay Uncle Clifford. I stay to myself and stay out of trouble because I need to be out of here to see my kids. Derrick is a bitch for this. could you believe he had the audacity to have the child protective service people at the house and said that I abuse my kids? I couldn't believe it and I lashed out and beat his ass and now I'm stuck here until the trial which isn't until two weeks from now." I could tell when I said that, Lil Murda was ready to go do something to Derrick and Uncle Clifford noticed it too. "bwoy, calm the fuck down. watch, he gone get what's coming to him because that's how karma works" Uncle Clifford did have a point though, karma is a nasty bitch and she's not someone to be played with.

I decided to change the subject because it was too touchy for all of us. "how are y'all? how is the club? the girls?" Uncle Clifford started shaking her head no and pointed her fingers at me. "uh uh, don't worry about them heiffas. let's focus on getting you out of here. now I'm going to make so calls and see about finding a legal team to represent you okay?" I shook my head because I understood, my main focus should be trying to get out of here. "but we do have some good news, Marques is going on tour in two weeks" I was shocked to hear that and I started smiling. "I'm so proud of you Lil Murda and I'm glad you listened" Uncle Clifford was confused when I said that. "what do you mean Keyshawn?" I looked at Lil Murda then at Uncle Clifford. "well before I was supposed to be leaving, I met up with him and I told him he didn't have to miss you if he didn't go on tour with Tina Snow and stayed in for love. remember in that song Fallin' he says I usually chose the money over love, well he chose love over money at that moment" Uncle Clifford looks over at him smiling and he sat there looking crazy because he knew what I just said was true. The guard that escorted me here came over to the table. "you got five minutes left until your visitors have to leave" I shook my head okay and turned back to look at Lil Murda.

Murda taps the table to get my attention because I had zoned out for a second since I wasn't ready for them to leave yet. "if you need me to, I can put some money on your commissary. I know you want all the Moon Pies and VooDoo chips you can have" me and Murda laugh because during the Dirty Dozen Tour every gas station we stopped at, I bought them. "you don't have to Murda, I'm okay really" he knew I was lying like a mu'fucker. "I'm still gonna put money on it. get whatever you need until we get you out but just don't be in here spending it all up na" he busted out laughing and I joined him. "Lil Murda, you think you got jokes huh? let's not forget we had to strip you down naked because of your stage fright for your performance on Murda Night" Uncle Clifford was so lost once again about what I was talking about. "ummm Keyshawn when you had to strip my niggah naked?" she looks over at him and he doesn't notice because he looking at me hard and smirking. "I see you got jokes Key but I don't know what she talking about Cliff" I laughed and the guard came to the table again. "time to go back to your cell. say goodbye to your visitors" the guard stood behind me as we got up from the table and I walked around to give Uncle Clifford and Murda a goodbye hug. "thank y'all for coming to visit me. see y'all next time. I love y'all so much" I tried my best not to show how I felt because I didn't want either of them worrying about little ole me. "goodbye Keyshawn," they both said in unison and Murda grabs Uncle Clifford's hand and starts leaving. "hold up Marques, I forgot to tell Keyshawn something. sir, can I tell her something really quick?" the guard stopped us and nodded his head and Uncle Clifford came up to me and spoke low so I could only hear what she was saying. "I'll be back before he goes on tour. I can tell something is bothering you that you might not want to say in front of LaMarques because of how he will react. just remember we are a framily" she caressed my face softly before walking back to Lil Murda, they left, and the guard took me back to my cell. She's right, there were a few things I wanted to say but Lil Murda would've gotten mad. "hey lil mama, ain't that's that rapper Lil Murda?— yeah that's him, you listen to him?" I leaned against the wall near my cell door to hear him better. "yeah I do listen to his music but I been hearing stuff about him in the streets and ain't none of it is good" I gave him a confused look but I haven't heard anything about Lil Murda in the streets but now I wanna know what has been said about him. "what do you mean you been hearing stuff about him in the streets? what have you been hearing?" he shook his head laughing but I didn't see what was funny. "you don't know?" he walks off and the shit wasn't making because why would he tell me that but not say what he has been hearing. I wonder what he meant that the streets have been talking about Lil Murda. I wonder what for though?

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