The spirit of christmas?

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The hallways seem to twist and turn in random directions but Bernard seems to know how to navigate it like the back of his hand. He looks back to make sure I'm still following every once in a while. I'm practically tearing off my skin at this point. My tattoo is hot to the touch and I can feel it through my sleeve. Bernard rubs his wrist every now and then, looking to me with furrowed brows. It seems like an eternity following him when we finally are met with a door. It's rounded with light blue paint on it. Strings of pine decorate it with painted on snowflakes speckled onto the varnish. Bernard reaches into his impossibly large bag and fishes out a key, it's handle matching the doors design. Turning the key and pushing on the door it gives a large creak, almost like it hadn't been used in decades.

"Well this is it." Bernard says fully turning to me. "Welcome home (y/n)!"

"Your home maybe! Not mine!" I joke.

"Well, your home too now. At least it will be after the next eleven months." Bernard says sternly.

He motions into the room and I enter. The entire room is ice blue, except the few red and green accents. The biggest bed I've ever seen sits on the back wall. It may look like winter in here but I feel like I'm being boiled alive. Bernard follows in behind me.

"No offense, but this is bullshit!" I growl out at him.

He looks slightly taken aback but replies with "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way."

"Look, I stopped believing in Santa a long time ago. This has got to be some demented nightmare my mind has conjured up. One moment a guys falling off our roof and I'm putting on an old trapper hat I found, the next I'm here and you're spewing nonsense about me being the spirit of Christmas!" I say sitting onto the bed.

"Well, whether you believe it or not you are now Christmas spirit." He says standing in front of me.

I take off the blasted hat that began this all and set it beside me. I begins to roll up my sleeves when I hear Bernard let out a soft gasp.

"Umm, what's your last name again?" Bernard stutter out.

"Calvin, why?" I blink in confusion.

I go to itch my arm and Bernard seizes my wrist.

"Ah! Fuck that hurt! What the hell is wrong with you dude! You're being real weird!" I yank my arm away, gently rubbing my wrist where he grabbed it.

"Language! But uh, I don't know how to say this," Bernard starts.

"Say what? That I've finally lost my marbles and need a mental evaluation?" I spit.

"We're soulmates," he breathes, calmly grabbing his sleeve and pulling upward.

Lo and behold there in the same handwriting reads the words (Y/N) CALVIN.

"What's a soulmate?" I hear a quiet voice ask from the doorway.

We both whip our heads around to find Charlie standing a few steps in the doorway.

I rush to him, sweeping him into a protective embrace.

"It's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's who you're destined to spend eternity with." Bernard tries to explain without fumbling over words.

"Well, sissy (y/n) hates Christmas, so I don't think she's your soulmate" Charlie says and then waddles over to the bed.

"Well, they'll learn to love it because they are now the spirit of Christmas, sport!" Bernard shakes his head, curls bouncing in every direction.

"Yeah, not gonna happen dude." I raise my eyebrows and lift Charlie onto the giant bed.

"Well it's got to happen or you and I both die. So..." Bernard trails off.

"How about I get us some hot coco and we talk about this?" Bernard tries persuading me.

"Ok I guess, but don't think that this will change anything!" I call after him as he leaves.

"He's nice." Charlie smiles at me.

"Yeah he is, but I think we will be talking adult business, so... scram" I shoo him out of the room.

I flop on the bed and close my eyes, hoping once I open them I'll be back home in my bed.

"This can't be real!" I tell myself.

"It's 'bout as real as it gets." A voice cuts through my thoughts.

I open my eyes to see Bernard approaching with a mug in each hand. He hands me one and I cautiously take a sip. It's the best thing I've ever tasted. I set the mug onto a nearby coaster to cool off.

"So... what's the nonsense about soulmates?" I ask him.

"Every elf has a soulmate. It just makes things easier here. But never in my two thousand years of living would I have guessed that mine would be a human. Let along the child of Santa and the spirit of Christmas. I didn't know it was even possible." Bernard explains.

"This is crazy! I feel like I'm loosing it. First soulmates, Santa, Christmas spirits, This has got to be the weirdest experience ever!" I rant.

"Well you're stuck with the pole now." Bernard pats my back and I feel warmth radiating from my tattoo.

"Yeah, fat chance this is even real. When I wake up I'll be back in my bed." I retort.

"Well, yeah. You have to get ready to move here. Can't just yank you from your home you know." Bernard sasses.

"What's this b.s. about Christmas spirit now?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I'll have to train you. I'll stop by whenever I can and teach you how to use your magic." Bernard illustrates.

"This is crazy. I have a job! I can't just wait around for an imaginary soulmate to show up and teach me magic! I have to support my dad!" I clamor while jumping up.

"I can see that this is getting us nowhere. It's fine you're in denial right now but here. Take this." Bernard fishes around in his satchel and pulls out a locket.

"Rub this whenever you need to see me and I'll be there. No matter the time." Bernard clasps it around my neck.

"If I'm your soulmate, wouldn't you want me here now?" I ask lifting a brow.

"I've waited over two thousand years for you, what's one more?" Bernard smiles a sad smile.

I rush forward without thinking, my arms wrapping around Bernard's neck and causing him to wobble.

"I'm sorry. If you were real I'd gladly stay here with you!" I cry.

My eyes water and he hugs me like I might slip away at any moment.

"Well, I think you'll be seeing a lot more of me around." Bernard smiles.

"You better get to sleep though. I'll always be with you, right here." He pats my chest and makes his way to the door.

"Goodnight Bernard!" I call to him.

"Goodnight snowflake!" He calls back closing the door behind him.

I reach for the folded pajamas Bernard left. I unfold them to see that they are embroidered with my initials. I change into them and pull the covers back. This has to be the softest pajamas I've ever felt. I nearly melt into the soft sheets. My tattoo no longer burns. I hope I have this dream every night!

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now