The list and wrapping duty

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It's been a week since Bernard showed up in the bakery. Dad is officially on thin ice. He showed up at Charlie's soccer game and apparently all the children lined up to sit on his lap. And he let them! I'm driving home from work and as I pull up the delivery man pulls up as well. I get out and go up to the truck.

"S.c?" The delivery man asks.

"My dad. I'll sign for it though." I say, initialing the papers.

"All right, I'll get your packages." The guy says, unloading multiple large boxes.

"Packages?" I ask, scrunching my nose slightly.

"Yes, there's many of them here." The man says.

I quickly go unlock the front door, propping it open so he can set them inside.

After over ten minutes the man finally hands the last package directly to me. I shut the door with my hip and set down the package onto the kitchen table. I get a knife and cut the package open. Inside is a list long enough to wrap around the house.

"What's this?" I mumble.

"The list." I hear a voice behind me call out.

Turning around I see Bernard standing there with several rolls of wrapping paper and a roll of ribbon. He sets them down, leaning them against the wall.

" I can see that. Why's it here?" I gesture to the multiple boxes scattered through the walkway.

"Your dad has to check them. Remember, p for present and c for coal." Bernard nods.

"What's that for?" I ask, pointing  to the wrapping paper.

"Training. Remember when I said your part is harder than your dads. Today we will be tackling wrapping." He picks up the now empty box that carried one part of 'the list'.

" Ok, I guess. But let's move to my room. I don't want my dad having a heart attack when he gets home. I don't think he'll believe you're real even if he sees you." I say taking the paper and ushering Bernard up the stairs.

I open my bedroom door and pull Bernard in, shutting and locking it behind me.

"Dad's got no sense of privacy so I'm gonna have to keep the door locked. Otherwise he'd come in and see, well, you I guess." I explain.

"Has the santafacation process begun yet? It usually only takes three three months to be complete." Bernard asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Santafacation? You mean my dad growing a beard that can't be shaved off, his hair turning white, and him gaining 150 pounds? If so than yes." I turn back to him.

"Oh good. I was afraid that the unwillingness would effect it." Bernard sighs.

"So wrapping and ribbon tying?" I ask.

"Yes, two very important parts of Christmas. We will practice until you get it just right." He pulls out tape and scissors and sets them next to the paper.

This is gonna be a long time.


It's been over three hours wrapping. I finally got it just right. I've been fumbling over the ribbon tying though. I can't seem to get it right.

"Christmas Eve I believe it was 1955, Dubuque Iowa. Santa's making his way down a very dusty chimney when, CRASH- BOOM-ZING! A bow catches a rusty nail and rips off. Santa loses his footing and plummets all the way down through the chimney mr gets wedged between brick and cement and can't move. Now we don't want that to happen again do we?" Bernard monologues.

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now