This is crazy

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It's been over a week. A lot has happened already. First Charlie took dad to career day at school and blabbed that dads Santa and I'm the spirit of Christmas. Now he's under evaluation and Laura is threatening dad to take away custody. Currently I'm in the kitchen of my bakery rolling out sugar cookie dough.

The sound of music fills the bakery. The song Quiet, Heavy dreams by Zach Bryan bounces off the walls. I sing along to the lyrics
"How's a man get so homesick for a face he's never seen?"

"Yah know, I always thought that. Now I've met you I don't think I'll be able to stay away." A familiar voice snaps me out of my tranquility.

Turning around, I raise my rolling pin, ready to beat senseless whoever broke into my locked bakery.

I am met with a pair of coffee colored eyes. They shimmer with fondness I've seen only once before. It's Bernard!

"What the fuck dude! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I berate him, setting the rolling pin onto the counter and pause the speaker.

"First off, language. If you're gonna be the face of Christmas spirit you're gonna have to change that. Also I told you I'd be seeing you soon (y/n)." Bernard grimaces.

"This is crazy! That was just some silly dream!" I say as I pace the floor.

His grin drops, if only momentarily. It makes me feel bad. I've only spent a couple hours with this guy before and I'm already getting attached. This is such main character bullshit.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm here to help train you to be the Christmas spirit." Bernard states.

"How'd you even get in? The doors are all locked and all of our windows are stationary." I query.

"Elf magic." Bernard says peering over my shoulder.

"Well I can't 'train', or whatever right now. I have so many orders that need filled. I'm up to my ears in cookie dough. So unless you're here to help frost over 12 dozen snowflake cookies, then you need to vamoose." I go to wash my hands and continue to roll out the cookie dough.

"I don't think you get this is a big deal (y/n). Even if you're my soulmate I can't let you slack in responsibilities." Bernard walks next to me.

"I can't do this 'responsibilities' bull crap right now. I already have way to much on my plate. I have to make these cookies, pick up Charlie from school, and have dinner in the table by the time dad gets home. I cannot be talking to myself in the back room of my shop. I'm already going crazy talking to animals, not this too!" I rant to Bernard.

"Wait. Did you say talking to animals? When did this start?" Bernard grabs my shoulder and turns me to face him.

"The night that guy fell off our roof. The reindeer talked to me." I say setting down my rolling pin.

"You probably think I'm crazy, then again you're not even real, right!" I nervously chuckle.

"I'm real. Just as real as you are." Bernard states into my eyes

"So if you're real, then why don't you have a last name?" I cross my arms.

"Elves don't. It makes things easier when looking for your soulmate. Normally they are other elves. I've looked into it. You're the first ever human in elven history to have a soulmate." Bernard gets even closer to me.

I start putting the cookie dough back. I can't do this right now. I'll just do it tomorrow. If I get in early enough I'll be ok.

"So what exactly does this mean for me, for us I mean?" I untie my apron and fold it. I set it on the counter and wash my hands of any flour.

"You've got to move to the pole in approximately 10 months and 11 days. From there you will live out the rest of eternity spreading Christmas joy." Bernard explains.

"Christmas joy! That's bullshit." I spit.

" I read a bit about you. I'm sorry that such an experience has ruined so many precious moments for you." Bernard says softly.

"How do you know about my mom?" I ask, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes.

"As your soulmate, I'm required to know. And I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's not fair for any child of any age to lose a parent." Bernard pulls me into a hug.

He's warm, but not too warm. My arms go around his neck and his to the small of my back. If I'm crazy, I like crazy. I like him. He's been nothing but kind to me and now I feel like a jerk.

"I'm such a jerk! I'm so sorry!" I sob.

"It's ok. It's ok. I know you're under a lot of stress." He breaths softly.

I pull back and I'm sure my face is red and tear stained, but he looks at me like I'm the most beautiful person in the galaxy. So much love radiates off of him.

My eyes dart back and forth from his eyes to his lips. I start to subconsciously lean forward. His hand moves from my back to cup my cheek. His thumb brushes my cheek softly. I lean in just enough that our noses brush. I can feel his breath, uneven and heavy. My lips close in on his. His lips catch mine in a soft, yet passionate kiss. I swear I can feel sparks. He tastes of chocolate and a hint of peppermint. Suddenly he separates himself and presses his forehead onto mine. I take his hand into mine and squeeze lightly.

I pull away. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry!"

"It's ok. I'm your soulmate. It's natural to feel a pull to me. I sure feel a pull to you. If I didn't I wouldn't have kissed you back." Bernard pulls me into a embrace.

We are interrupted by the alarm on my phone going off. I grab it and curse.

"Fuck, I gotta pick up Charlie. Dad is supposed to be working late tonight and it's his weekend. I'm sorry to do this, but I have to go." I grab my car keys and turn back to him.

"It's ok. I know you've got a lot to do. I'll be visiting soon again. We got to get you trained. Your dad will fall into it, but you have to know what to do." He smiles and I swear the room brightens.

"I'll see you then!" I start out the door.

"By the way -" I start, turning around. Only to see just a poof of glitter in the air and Bernard nowhere to be seen. I scoff and lock the door behind me.

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now