A dream?

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I wake up to the sound of soft snoring beside me. I wipe the crust from my eyes and turn to see Charlie curled up beside me. I gently toss the blanket off me and swing my legs of the bed. I reach for my glasses and place them onto my face. I look down and softly gasp. These are not my pajamas! At least not the ones I went to bed in last night. Suddenly I remember last night. I hope with all my might it was just a dream, but as I reach to check for the necklace, I am faced with the reality. My dad is Santa, I'm soulmates with an elf, and I'm now the face of Christmas spirit everywhere. Turning back to Charlie's sleeping form I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I rush to change before Charlie wakes. I can only pray dad doesn't get me killed.

"Sissy (y/n)!" Charlie practically catapults himself from my bed.

He attaches himself to my leg and tugs on the hem of my shirt. I notice just now that his pjs match mine I was wearing.

"Let's go wake up dad, then we can see what you got for Christmas!" I smile at him and he races off.

Moments later my dad is in the hallway, bed head and all.

Charlie grabs dad and my hand and practically drags us down the stairs to the tree.

Dad breaks off to start the coffee pot and pop some frozen waffles in the toaster. Charlie opens the presents at a rapid rate.

"(Y/n)! There's a gift for you under here!" Charlie calls to me from the tree.

"What? A gift for me?" I scrunch my face and drag my feet to the tree.

There is a present under there! Plaid wrapping paper encase a medium sized box, tied with a red bow. My eyes search for the name tag, finding it in the right hand corner. The from spot is signed with the name Bernard. I gentle undo the ribbon and tear the paper off. I open the box to see -my onesie? And a bag? I unfold the onesie to see that it has been patched where it got torn when we went down those chimneys. Also my name is now embroidered onto the right breast. I pick up the bag and look inside. A note is stuck to the inside pocket of it. It reads "(y/n), I know you probably don't think last night was real. So I thought I would give you something that will help you understand the magic of Christmas. This bag will have whatever you need whenever you need it. I'll be checking in with you soon! -Bernard, Head elf at the North Pole."

"What did you get (y/n)?!" Charlie bounces on his knees next to me.

"Nothing buddy, uh, just my onesie is patched up now." I hurriedly blurt out, hoping he'll buy it. And he does.

"Aww! Maybe Bernard can get you something better next year!" Charlie suggests.

I whip my head around to him and grab his forearm "Where do you know that name from?"

"The North Pole, remember?! Dads the new Santa and you're the spirit of Christmas!" Charlie's now wide eyed.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the front door. Dad walks over and opens it and Laura is standing there. Charlie rushes over and hugs her.

"Did you have a good time with your father?" Laura asks, her voice sickeningly sweet.

"Great time! The best!" Charlie hops up and down.

"Oh, ho, Scott. Nice P.J.s. Very festive. Where'd you get them?" Laura sarcastically smiles.

"Judy gave them to him mom!" Charlie beams.

"Judy? Really?" Laura squints.

"Up at the North Pole!" Charlie grins.

"Ah, one of Santa's helpers!" Laura nods.

" Last night, we went with the flying reindeer. It was really neat, Mom. Dad was Santa, and Larry showed me the workshop. And (y/n) is now the spirit of Christmas. They found their soulmate Bernard at the pole. He's an elf with curly hair and a green hat!" Charlie spews out.

"Gee, thanks for keeping his feet on the ground." Laura grits out.

"You bet." Dad sighs.

"Honey, you go wait in the car for a minute, okay? I'll be right there." Laura tells Charlie.

"Bye! Thanks for a great night at the North Pole!" Charlie says as he trots away.

"What have you and your crazy kid been telling him?!" Laura asks pointedly.

"First off, they aren't crazy! Secondly, I had this really strange dream, I must have told him about it." Dad defends us.

I then rush out the door to the car that's waiting outside.

"How'd I get the necklace?" I ask Charlie.

"I told you, Bernard gave it to you! At the North Pole!" Charlie shakes his hands at me.

"The North Pole?" Neil questions.

"Yeah, dad is the new Santa! The regular Santa fell off the roof, and Dad put on the suit. Then (y/n) put on the hat! They're the new spirit of Christmas!" Charlie practically yells at Neil.

"Charlie, (y/n) hates Christmas. How could they be the spirit of Christmas?" Neil levels with Charlie.

"Bernard said that if they don't, both of them will die!" Charlie cries out.

"We will talk about this at home Charlie." Laura glares holes into me.

They drive off with Charlie sputtering about the pole. We make our way back inside. When inside I slide my shoes and coat off.

"It's just a dream. Stuff like that doesn't happen." Dad says, reassuring himself more than me.

"I don't know dad..." I start as he cuts me off.

"Come on (y/n)! Not you too now!" Dad says exasperated.

"You have to admit it's an awful coincidence we had the same dream. And then woke up in different clothes than we went to bed in." I follow him into the kitchen.

"That's what it was! Just a coincidence!" Dad pours himself a cup of coffee, nearly spilling it everywhere with his shaking.

"What about the tattoo!?" I snatch the mug from his hand. "I've gone my entire life with a name on my wrist and no one can ever explain it! What if this is it?!"

"I don't know! But this isn't normal!" He takes the coffee back and downs it in a gulp.

"Nothing's been normal since mom died! I'm not happy about leaving everything either, but it's what she would have wanted!" Tears cloud my vision.

Dad pulls me into a tight embrace.

He rubs circles into my back and I sob harder.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, let's just take things slow. Even if it did happen. I can't just quit my job!" He hugs me even tighter, if that's even possible.

"Ok dad, I'm going back to bed." I trudge back upstairs.

Falling onto my bed I think to myself. What has dad gotten us into now?

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now