Curtis can't mind his own business

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Bernard wakes up the next morning, dressed in only a pair of flannel sleep pants, soulmate snuggled tightly against his side. Things couldn't be better. Sighing contently, he plants a kiss in your hair. He wishes he could stay there forever, but there's work to be done. Gently untangling himself from you, he steps out from under the covers. Picking up his clothes from the ground, he slips them back on. Securing his beret back in place, he looks in the bathroom mirror. Scratches cover his back and a dark hickey is on the base of his neck. Sighing, he slings his bag over his head and slips on his shoes. Giving one last look to you, he smiles and unlocks the door, stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing in Mx. (Y/n)'s room?"

Whipping around, he sighs after seeing it is only Curtis.

"None of your business." Bernard huffs.

"As keeper of the handbook, it is my business to keep the spirit of Christmas in good health. And that includes their soulmate." Curtis berates Bernard.

"Well, as head elf, I'm overruling that decision." Bernard places his hands on his hips, still sore from the previous night.

"Well, as you should know, the legendary figures are here to welcome Santa and the spirit of Christmas. And that means that Mx. (Y/n) needs to be woken up." Curtis says, opening the door before bernard can stop him.

Curtis's eyes widen as he gazes around the room. Clothes thrown about and a bare leg hanging out of your bed.

"Oh my—" Curtis starts only to be cut off by Bernard's hand covering his mouth.

"I told you that it was none of your business." Bernard almost growls.

You turn over in the bed and reach to where bernard previously was. Feeling that he's no longer there, you open your eyes and scan the room for your lover.

"Oh, fuck!" You exclaim, seeing Curtis standing there, his mouth agape, and gather up the blanket to cover you.

"You— you— Santa's not gonna like this!" Curtis points to them and rushes out the door.

"What the fuck, Bernard!" You scramble to grab underwear and a shirt.

"I didn't mean-" Bernard stutters out.

"Well that's great. Now he's gonna tell my dad." You sigh.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute." You stumble up.

"Let me help you!" Bernard rushes to your side, hooking his arm around you.

Walking to the bathroom, you quickly pee. Going to wash your hands, you look in the mirror. Large hickeys litter your neck and shoulder. Blooms of purple and blue surround your nipples.

"Look what you've done." You sigh.

"You did a number on me as well. You weren't complaining last night." Bernard crosses his arms.

"Guess I'm wearing a turtle neck for a while. At least I'm not seeing anyone for a while." You sigh in relief.

"Well, actually, the legendary figures are here to meet you and your dad." Bernard rushes out.

"That's just great. When is that?" You ask.

"Actually, now. They're waiting in your dads room." Bernard bites his cheek.

"Now!? Why didn't you lead with that?!" You say, rushing out of the bathroom and throwing on clean clothes.

"I'm fucked!" You exclaim, searching for a scarf.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," Bernard snakes an arm around your waist and peppers your face with soft kisses.

"I'm late, I can't just not show up." You kiss him back.

"Yeah, I guess your right. And as head elf, I'm supposed to be their as well to make sure everything goes smoothly." Bernard pries himself off of you.

"Well, Mr head elf, lead the way." You giggle, gesturing to the door.

"As you wish, Mx. spirit of Christmas." He jokes back, taking your hand and leading you down the hallway.

Making your way to your dads room, you slip your hand into his and rest your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know Curtis was going to come into your room." Bernard whispers softly.

"It's okay. I mean we are soulmates. What did he think was gonna happen." You giggle.

Butterflies swarm his stomach. Even though you were just so intimate last night, he can't help but feel special to see you so vulnerable.

Smiling up at him, you place a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

"I love you." He smiles down at you.

"And I love you."

Getting to your dads room you rap your knuckles against the double door. Shifting can be heard behind the door and you untangle yourself from bernard.

Opening the door your dad grins widely at the both of you.

"Finally up, sleepyhead?" He ruffles your hair.

"Yeah, yeah, old man. Hardy har." You roll your eyes.

"And you," your dad points to Bernard, laughing. "I expected you much earlier. I guess even the head elf can be tardy."

"It won't happen again, sir." Bernard blushes.

"Let's get this meeting started." Your dad ushers you both into the room.

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now