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Charlie leads us to a small room where an elf is talking to a group of other elves.

"Hello santa!" The elf, I assume is Quentin, greets us.

"Hello Quintin, it's nice to meet ya!" Dad sticks his hand out and Quentin shakes it enthusiastically.

"Santa, this is Quintin, head of research and development." Bernard steps forward.

"Charlie and I have put our heads together, and I think we've got a few surprises for you." Quentin pulls out a clipboard.

I can't help but scratch my ears. The tips of my ears have been so itchy the last few weeks. I was going to ask Bernard about it but I didn't want to worry him. My skin has been steadily getting rosier until I looked like I had blush on all the time. I'll ask him about it when I can.

"Fireplaces will no longer be a problem." Quentin pulls out two new jumpsuits.

"It's a new fabric. Completely flame retardant." He smiles.

I look to dad and he looks worried.

"But what if I fall off a roof?" Dad asks.

"It's light, yet durable!" He glosses over dads question.

"So what do we do if we fall off the roof?" I but in.

"You won't." Quentin assured us.

"But the last guy did." Dad insists.

"Comet has a solution." Quintin says vaguely.

"Maybe we should check that out then." I nudge Bernard.

"Yeah, maybe we should." He nods as we slip out the doors.

He grabs hold of my hand and leads me to the stables. I walk to comets stall.

"Hey baby boy, I heard you got something for me?" I scratch his head.

"Yeah I do!" He nudges a rope and a card near me.

"Aren't you sweet worrying about me." I pick up the rope and card.

Opening it it reads from comet to Christmas spirit. A hoof print is inked onto the front. I slip both items into my bag. Hugging his neck, I give him a kiss on the muzzle.

Suddenly my ears hurt so bad. "Ah fuck!" I hold my ears.

"What's wrong?!" Bernard rushes to me.

"I don't know! My ears feel like they're being torn off!" I say as the feeling slows subsides.

I remove my hands and Bernard gasps.

"What?" I ask, worried.

"I forgot to tell you one small detail of being Christmas spirit." He grimaces.

"Your ears!" Comet exclaims.

"What's wrong with my ears?" I ask teaching into my bag and pulling out a mirror.

"Not wrong..." Bernard starts as I gasp.

"Bernard, why the fuck are my ears pointed now?!" I shake him.

"About that... becoming Christmas spirit essentially gives you elf immortality. But with immortality comes the appearance. And the ears are a main part of the appearance." Bernard falters.

"That would have been good to know." I deadpan.

"Hey, that was curtis's job. He's the keeper of the handbook, not me." He defends.

A beeping rings out and signals us it's time to go.

"Well we better get to the sleigh. Charlie's got something to show us in the sleigh." I pull him to the sleigh. Waiting there is dad and Charlie.

"Well, I guess this is where we part for now. Stay safe snowbird." Bernard stares into my eyes.

I grab his sweater and pull him into a kiss. It's short and sweet, but leaves me wanting more. Pulling away, he has a lovesick look on his face. Dad coughs to get my attention.

"I have to go now. I'll see you later tonight." I jog over to the sleigh, Charlie sticking his tongue out in mock disgust.

Clambering into the sleigh, I scoot beside dad. The reindeer are harnessed and dad handed the reins.

"You guys ready?!" Comet asks.

"Ready comet!" I call to him.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to the animal thing," I hear dad say.

"You thought you wouldn't get used to being Santa. I think you'll be okay." I smirk.

The platform rises out onto the snowy tundra. Cracking the reins, we fly into the air. A hole opens up out of the sky and the reindeer fly us into it. Once on the other side I recognize it as Chicago.

Charlie starts to stand up and I push him back down.

"Charlie, stay in your seat sport." I say.

"I gotta show you this." He scoots forward in his seat just enough to reach the control panel of the sleigh.

"Radar-jamming jingle bells, snow screen, DC alert, and air freshener." He points.

"Wow" dad says.

"And most important of all, your hats." He hands us them.

"My hat?" Dad says confused.

"It's lined with a two-way radio. Microphone's in here. It connects you directly to Judy." Charlie points.

"What's this, sport?"I ask pointing to a box on the dash.

"C.D." He says plainly.

"Oh compact disk!" Dad says.

"No. Cookie/cocoa dispenser. The cocoa comes out nice and hot." He pushes a button and three cups of cocoa appears alongside a cookie for each.

"How could we have done this without you, Charlie?" I ask him.

"You couldn't." He smiles.

We land on a rooftop I remember. Sarah lives here, the little girl with the raggedy Ann doll last year! Dad grabs the sack and starts floating up, me floating behind him. We are sucked down the smoke stack and are met with Sarah sleeping on the couch. We start to put her presents under the tree when she stirs.

"You're fatter this year. And you've got sparkly cheeks." She points to us.

"Thank you very much. You've grown too. And you were a very good girl this year, but I want you to go back to sleep, okay?" I hush her.

"I think the milk's a little sour." Dad says with a grossed out face.

"It's soy milk." The girl stares.

"Huh?" Dad quirks.

"You said you were lactose intolerant." She explains.

"I did say that, didn't l? Thanks for remembering." Dad smiles, setting the cup back down.

"Merry Christmas Sarah." I wave.

"Merry Christmas Mx spirit!" She waves back as we are sucked back up.

As we fly the sleigh Charlie points and asks if we can go by his moms house.

"Sure we can, sport." I assure him as we begin our decent.

"I made them something in the workshop." He shuffles.

Slurping down into the living room we begin to place presents under the tree.

Suddenly I'm blinded by a flashlight . Police surround us and dad calls out to them.

"You officers really gave me a start. Merry Christmas, guys." He smiles.

"Not for you fat boy!" They say inching closer.

"Fat boy?" Was the last thing he could make out before he was detained.

"Mx. you need to come with us too. You're an accomplice to kidnapping." They say handcuffing me.

"Kidnapping?! I've got toys to deliver man!" I say while being forced into the squad car.

This is the worst Christmas ever.

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now