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A large beast like tiger, walked out from the dark, his golden eyes glowing in the dark, which held immense rage which could destroy everything in his sight and way.

And before the men could think about running away, the huge tiger pounced on them, dragging them away from jungkook.

One by one the ferocious tiger attacked the men, shredding them limb by limb making their painful screams echo in the eerily silent forest.

By now jungkook had his eyes shut, trying to block everything happening around.

He really wanted this all from being captured till this moment to be a just a nightmare, a very terrifying one from which he would just wake up in his husband's protective embrace.

He didn't dare to open his eyes, until he felt a presence near him, he flinched and opened his eyes to see the tiger now moving towards him.

For a moment jungkook stopped breathing, his eyes staring at those golden orbs shining beautifully in the darkness.

And before he could think about anything else, the tiger was hovering over his figure, he couldn't even move away as if in a trance.

The tiger nuzzled, jungkook's neck, chest and finally his clothed belly, staying there sniffing and rubbing his snout, till he felt something, something his, his own.

The tiger hybrid then snuggled close to jungkook's entire body, trying to embrace him using his paws, and somehow keep him in a protective shield which was his own body, it was the most endearing sight one could witness.

His animal instincts which were clouding his senses for safeguarding and protecting his mate, were now slowing fading away, his own senses were coming back after making sure that his mate is safe.

Jungkook felt calm, finally, of course he understood that this was his jagi, who came for him, to protect him as he had promised.


Taehyung heard the low broken voice of his beloved, before the younger passed out.


The next day,

Jungkook opened his eyes, he was in the familiar surroundings.

'Jagi-ii', called kook, in low voice, barely audible, trying to sit up.

And in the next moment he could see his husband infront of him, staring at him with worried eyes.

'Beloved, are you feeling any pain, do you need anything, should I call for eomma..................',

Jungkook hurriedly shook his head, and gestured him to come near.

Taehyung obeyed and moved closer, helping him sit up properly, and sat near him.

Jungkook immediately leaned on him, engulfing him in a hug, snuggling in his husband's chest, like his life depended on the other.

'J-jagii, I-I was so scared.........', with that kook started crying, with taehyung holding him close, his hands rubbing the younger's head and back to calm him.

After a lot of soothing words from the elder, the younger's sobs turned to soft sniffles.

Taehyung softly detached himself from the younger and made him look at him.

'Beloved I am sorry I-I broke my promise of protecting you from any harm', said taehyung with a lot guilt and pain.

Jungkook still snuggled in his husband's chest shook his head quickly, 'no you didn't, you saved me', he mumbled, leaving a kiss on his chest, on his heart as a thank you.

'I promised to take care of you and protect you with my everything but, I-i.............',

Jungkook placed his palm on his husband's lips, to stop him from saying anything further, his eyebrows scrunching in a frown, not liking how his jagi was blaming himself.

'Jagi, I am completely fine, you found me at the right time and protected me my strong tiger', said kook a bit sternly but with affection, as if talking to a child, completely forgetting that he was the one who was crying a few moments ago.

Taehyung nodded, and kissed jungkook's palm which was still on his lips.

Both kept looking at each other with a lot of love and emotions, till taehyung placed his forehead against jungkook's, and took one of jungkook's hand in his, guiding him towards his flat belly, placing it there.

'You are pregnant, my love',

Jungkook froze as he tried to understand what he was told by his husband.

He is pregnant......, he going to be an eomma, they are going to be appa and eomma.

Jungkook looked at taehyung as if confirming again, that what he heard is true.

Taehyung nodded, and kissed jungkook's forehead lovingly muttering a 'sarang-hae....', who closed his eyes feeling the blissful moment, a soft smile spreading on his lips, as a happy tear once again rolled down his cheek.

'Nado saranghae...',

And they lived happily ever after,
the tiger and his bride with their cute cubs.


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