Childhood sweethearts-3

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Taehyung is 15
Jungkook is 10

'Taehyungieee', singsonged kook, entering tae's room, it was early morning and he was fully dressed up in his school uniform.


'Wakey wakey hyung', said kook once again, sitting beside tae, who was still sleeping like a log, no movements.

'We'll be late hyung, then mrs song will punish me, do you want me to get punished huhh, you know how scary she is right', said kook pouting, talking about his scary teacher, who would give him a lot of homework or would scold him for being late.

'She, did she scold you again?', said tae abruptly sitting up, fully awake all of a sudden.

'No no, i am saying if we get late then she'll scold me so get ready quickly okieee', said kook taming tae's hair which was looking like a bird's nest.

'Okay my bunny', said tae and kissed jungkook's chubby cheeks muttering a 'good morning'.

'Good morning taehyungie', greeted back kook kissing tae's cheek as well.

Both dressed up and had their breakfast together, at Kim's place today.

This was their usual routine, sometimes jungkook would wake up tae or vice versa for school, as they go to the same school, just different grades.

But most probably it was always jungkook who wakes up the other, being punctual and very mature boy for his age.

Soon both were off to school.



Taehyung was on his way to the almost empty staircase between his and jungkook's classrooms as they always eat together in the recess at that particular place.

Like always jungkook was sitting there waiting for his taehyungie holding his lunchbox, he didn't take a single bite from it, though it was his favourite cheese sandwiches.

And soon tae arrived, and they had their food happily.

'Here, have this', said tae giving his share of cake slice to jungkook, as he knows the younger likes it very much.

'No hyungie it is your share, eat it', said kook, shaking his head, denying.

'Okay half half then, we'll share it', said tae and shoved the piece of cake in jungkook's mouth who grumbled at the elder but ate the cake nonetheless.

Tae chuckled at the bunny boy, and with a hand wave he left for his class, while jungkook left for his.


It was after school,

Taehyung was sitting in the school bus, waiting for jungkookie as his class was a little far away from the main gate.

They always sat together, so whoever reaches the bus first, would save a seat for the other, which would taehyung most of the times.

He was looking around when he felt someone sitting beside him, it was a girl, his classmate if he remembers correctly, as he saw her in the class now and then. But didn't knew her personally.

'Hey', the girl said with a shy smile, her fingers playing with her long braids.

'Hey', said tae awkwardly, as in his mind he was just thinking about how to make the girl leave as this place was his bunny's.

'My name is yurim, I am in your class', said the girl giving tae a sweet smile.

'Taehyung here', said tae retuning a small smile, he looked out of the window but no trace of his bunny boy.

'Wanna be friends taehyung', asked yurim extending her hand to tae.

'Friends', said tae taking her extended hand, not understanding what else to do for now.

The girl giggled happily, while tae looked out of the window again and this time spotted the bunny boy among the students.

'Yurim, can you please move from this seat, I have saved it for my bunny, I hope you don't mind', said tae straightforwardly as he gestured the empty seat to the now embarrassed girl.

'Oh yeah sure tae, see you later', said yurim, standing up and moving away.

It was so embarrassing, her first ever crush indirectly rejected him for someone else.

She sat at the empty seat and looked at the boy his crush was talking about.

Jungkook entered the bus, while tae waved at him gesturing him to come towards their seat.

The bunny boy was walking happily towards him, but suddenly tripped and fell down.

Seeing this taehyung went towards him hurriedly, crouching down in front of the now sobbing jungkook.

He looked at taehyung with those big teary eyes as if complaining to him that he fell down.

'Hyungieeeee', cried kook more loudly latching himself on taehyung, who rubbed his back to calm him.

Taehyung softly detached himself from the now sniffing, pouting jungkook and tied his handkerchief around the bleeding knee, scraped because of the metal floor of the bus.

So the seat back home was taehyung's lap for jungkook as he refused to sit on the empty seat, and just wanted to cling to taehyung.

Who sighed internally but he knew there was nothing he could refuse to the baby highness right now or the water works will start once again.

It was always like this whenever jungkook gets hurt or sad he becomes a baby highness, especially taehyungie hyungie hyung's baby highness.

Amidst all this both the boys didn't notice the burning gaze of yurim on them, basically on jungkook.

She intentionally made him trip and fall putting her foot out, a punishment for taking his crush's attention from her, but now the scene in front of her was burning her more in jealousy.


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