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TW: Violence, Swearing, Sexual remarks

I had forgotten the feeling of cold the longer we stumbled in the desert. There was no end in sight to the torment of the sun. No water, no signs of life, only sand and the aura of solitude. But I was not alone in this journey, Jesse trekked before me. Mr. White behind, blindly leading us to some sort of relief which came in the form of pavement. Finally, seeing a hint of civilization as we prayed for someone to help. Mr. White was first to leave in a small truck, regaling us in his plan of fooling his family with ludicrous measures. Leaving Jesse and I in silence, as we waited for our own salvation. It came in the form of a minivan, driven by an older couple who would not stop chattering to us about their pets at home. I was exhausted beyond relief, leaning my head against the window, the chills of a breeze passing over my skin. Thankful for Jesse, as he talked to the kind couple, coming up with a story as to why we were out there. At some point, I must have slept, for I dreamt of vultures and gunfire, over time my body being carried by someone and placed in the feeling of feathers. This time passing into a dreamless state.

I awoke to someone beside me, their heat against my left side, contrasting the ice upon my forehead. The memories of Tuco bolting my eyes open with a gasp, my first reaction to struggle away.

"Hey, Hey! It's me, it's me!" Inhaling and exhaling is all I did, his hands moving to pull mine away from my arms as I panic into his chest. His grip never faltering, firm against my movements until I begin to calm myself at the realization of who he was, and that I was safe. 

"We're okay Liz." He hushed, my arms coming to encircle his waist, as I bury my face into his sweater, that was coated in the smell of the desert sand. In the moment, never seeing a way to let go.

"I'm sorry about the mess, Badger didn't have much warning about us showing up. But he's going to drive us home when you're ready." I didn't answer, pathetically holding onto him like a lost child to a teddy bear. The two of us, only traumatized kids, seeking a chance of happiness in one another as he holds me tightly. Gently rocking us into serenity. The only time I let myself fall even more for Jesse Pinkman.

Badger's car was cleaner than Jesse's, which was surprising. The two of us emerging from his room to leave, pretending that moment did not exist, leaving it to replay in the safety of daydreams. Driving down the familiar street, I pondered on how I was to face my family, pretending that I did not almost die by someone else's hands, to leave them forever in the mystery of my disappearance.

"Woah, Woah, stop." The car stops at Jesse's sudden exclamation, all of us following his eyes to the cop car that was parked a block away, aimed directly at my quant house.

"How-how could they have--" My own panicked words stopped mid-syllable as I answered my own question.

" My license, my fucking license. Tuco had it in his pocket, Fuck Jesse!" I groan, running my hands through my knotted hair, various curses being uttered under my breath.

" Look at me. Hey, look at me, Liz. They can't go in without probable cause. We'll wait until they leave and you can run inside and get whatever you need. After that, we book it back to my place, get rid of everything, the glassware, RV, everything. It'll be okay." Jesse had spun around in his seat whilst he spoke, his optimistic demeanor calming my nerves slightly, as he glances back towards the cops. Quickly running his hand over mine.

"Badger, park over there." The man obliges and moves so the vehicle is hidden discretely, not even an hour passing before the cop car drives off down in the opposite direction.

Untameable addiction      (Jesse Pinkman)Where stories live. Discover now