Help me Help You

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TW: Mentions of past drug abuse, Swearing, 

TW: Mentions of past drug abuse, Swearing, 

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It was cloudy in Albuquerque today, but it would not rain. It never does... Turning the corner into the living room to find my son building LEGO, leaving the homework misplaced across the table.

"Hey, what happened to the math?" I say, but it lacks discipline when I smile.

"I got bored." He shrugs nonchalantly, a laugh bubbling in my throat.

"Ya well, I apologize for giving you my poor math skills." He doesn't acknowledge my words but giggles when I rustle his hair. Our attention turned over to the soft knocking on the door.

"Hey." Was the first thing he says when I open the door, leaning against the frame with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't order any girl scout cookies." He bites his tongue at my joke, a smirk adorning my lips playfully.

"Funny... I'm here to ask for a favor-"

"Jesse!" Our conversation halts when Hunter comes running, looking up at the man with a grin that Jesse matches.

" Look! Auntie bought me this new yellow car, and it matches the one on my wall!" He showcases the toy proudly, Jesse bending down to his level in examining it with interest.

"That is awesome dude!" The sight made my heart expand, biting my lip as I watch them converse innocently.

"Can I show him? Mom can I?" Batting his eyelashes, I look from him to Jesse, whose eyes glinted up to me in a tempting manner.

" Only if Jesse wants to."

"Uh, duh." Rolling my eyes, I gently shove his body inside as we both snicker, not able to contain my grin as I close the door behind us.


"So, what was that favor you mentioned earlier?" I question, the two of us leaning against the countertop, both looking across from one another, as Hunter's TV show played in the living room.

"Well, I'm about to look at a place and was wondering if I could steal you for a bit?" I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"You're asking me to go house hunting with you?" He lightly chuckles at my obvious confusion, his fingers tapping to an invisible beat against the surface.

"Yeah... Look, I've seen your crib, you got a real eye for this thing. I trust your judgment." I blush slightly even if there was no hidden intention, glancing down in hopes he wouldn't notice.

Untameable addiction      (Jesse Pinkman)Where stories live. Discover now