Bigger problems

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The heat was still merciless upon my face as I waited for Mr. White to tell us we could go home. The RV was still stuck in place, needing something to tow it from its confinement in the dirt. So, I managed to get myself comfortable leaning up against the big hunk of metal, as Mr. White walked down the road in an attempt to find someone. I was so drained, trying to convince myself to relax but it was practically impossible with the heat and a migraine.

"How ya feelin?" Jesse asks, slowly moving to sit beside me against the RV.

"Shitty, you probably know the feeling." Jesse lightly chuckles, groaning as his head leans back close to mine.

"Can I ask you a question? And I don't want to intrude, but I've been curious since I saw you." He sounded nervous, as I could feel his eyes on my face whilst mine remained closed.


"Did--Did you end up keeping the... Uh, kid?" My body immediately tensed as he asked the question I'd been dreading, hearing him inhale a big breath of sandy air.

"Yeah, I did" I'm blunt, as I'm trying not to tell him everything about my son, like every mother, does. To tell him about his love for cars and horses, how he's most definitely smarter than I ever was at his age, and how he's the gentlest and most caring person I've ever met, and I've never regretted bringing him into this world.

"That's---That's good. I kinda figured; One day you were there and the next...Can I ask, Is there a father figure." He was being so gentle to me with his words, afraid that I would shut myself away at any moment, but he didn't see that in my head, it was the complete opposite and I wished I could tell him everything.

"No...No dad," I whisper, almost as if I'm ashamed of the fact. He doesn't ask any more questions after that, only offering me a small smile, just as Mr. White returns with another man on an excavator. Jesse and I both quickly stand and make room for the men to attach the chains to the RV. The engine roared to life beside my ear, as the heavy machinery seemed to tow it out with ease.

"You are a lifesaver."

"Yeah, man." Both men offered the savior praise, as all I could think about was how odd we all must look. An old man with no pants, a baggy-clothed adult with a swollen eye, and a woman covered in dirt and dried blood.

"Yeah, we can't thank you enough," Jesse commented, trying to act as casual as possible about this entire situation.

" I could have sworn the guy said south. But then all of a sudden were off the main road then I'm trying to read the map while driving, which is a bonehead maneuver. And then all of a sudden, bam we're--we're in that ditch." Mr. White hastily explains, looking at both of us in hopes to back him up on his story.

"Yeah, bam. I'm like <<what the hell>> You know?" Jesse adds on as I just smile and nod, silently cringing at how pathetic this sounds.

"Yes. Oh, yes, and my coffee mug. Of coffee? My mug of coffee. It spills all over my pants, I mean--Just a nightmare." Mr. White kept making odd gestures as if the man couldn't speak English, which he most likely did, but chose to stay silent and look between us all with stone-cold eyes.

"There's your Sony GPS, I mean, for real." All of us awkwardly chuckle at Jesse's attempt at a joke, whilst Mr. White begins rummaging through his wallet for a reward for the stranger. Only turning to us when he realizes his wallet is empty of cash. I only shrug my shoulders as I don't have any either, nudging Jesse, who fumblingly takes out a couple of bills from the drug money Krazy left. At the minuscule amount he grabbed, I smack Jesses skull lightly, and grab a handful of bills of my own, placing them in the stranger's palms with an apologetic smile.

Untameable addiction      (Jesse Pinkman)Where stories live. Discover now