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Shocked for only a moment you close your eyes wrapping your arms loosely around his neck feeling the kiss deepen. Feeling his hands move from your waist to your hips you flush a faint pink feeling him press against you for a brief moment before pulling away. Staring at him for a moment you feel your hearts sync seeing him stare with a loving gaze. Feeling him pull away you step back a bit breaking eye contact, both of you bright red in the face. "I-I uh.." Alec says,catching your glance you nod "Goodnight then.." nodding you both awkwardly get ready for the night in the quiet room. Slipping under the covers you turn off the light beside the bed, looking over at Alec on the couch his back towards you making you smile about what had happened a few moments ago. Cuddling with the sheets you slowly start to drift off to sleep hearing him move thinking he's just getting comfortable you close your eyes fully. Feeling the bed move behind you, you smile not moving feeling his arm wrap around your waist making you flush a faint pink as he pulls you closer, nuzzling his nose into the back of your neck.

The next morning you wake up facing him seeing him sound asleep making you smile as you gaze at him for a moment. Seeing his eyes open gently you flush a faint pink looking away for a moment before meeting his soft gaze. "Morning" you say softly seeing him smile before getting up without a word. Sitting up you hear your phone ring beside you, sighing you take the call rubbing your eye "Carters" hearing Chief Morris you immediately wake up. "R-Right now? Okay I'll be there as soon as I can" hanging up you scatter out of bed gathering your work clothes. "What happened is everything okay?" you hear Alec ask watching you run about. Nodding you head into the bathroom and a short few minutes later you come out fully dressed. "Chief Morris wanted to see me imminently, I'll see you later Alec" leaving you smile a bit not hearing his grouchy reply like usual.

Walking into her office you shut the door sitting in front of her desk "You wanted to see me Chief" nodding she looks through a vanilla folder in her hands. "We figured some things out and we managed to get you on Dr. Whitly's visitation list" staring at her with wide eyes you don't know what to say. Getting handed the folder you look through it as she talks "There's some major questions we'd like you to get answered but of course ask him anything you think will be of use to the investigation" nodding you look at a picture of him making you smile a bit, realizing you're smiling at the Surgeon you shake it off closing the folder. "Now the only rule we ask that you follow is that you avoid visiting him on your own time. Now I know it would be tempting to use up all the time that you can to get these questions but he has a way of getting into people's heads and we want to avoid that" nodding you clutch the folder. Standing up you shake her hand "We have a car waiting to take you whenever you're ready" feeling your stomach drop you think to yourself 'I didn't think she meant today' brushing off the thought you hurry along to the waiting car. 

Arriving at the asylum where he is kept you take a hard swallow walking up the long steps into the building. Entering and getting thoroughly searched you clear through being escorted to the hallway to his holding cell feeling your heart race. As you walk beside the guard he goes over the few rules with you. "Now there will be a red line marked on the floor, he will be chained by the waist and wrist close to his body for extra safety. That red line is his limit. If you would like you can cross it, but he will be able to reach you from that point onward. "nodding you take another hard swallow as you hear the door crack open stepping in as your heart races. "Hello Dr. Whitly" you say in a confident tone as he turns around with a bright smile "Ah, Detective Carters" he says surprising you that he already knows who you are. "Let's get started shall we?" he says with a cheeky smile.

To Be Continued...

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