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Stunned you stare at him with many thoughts rushing in and out of your head. 'I'm here in person with him. I've always dreamed about this but, I never thought it would become reality-' suddenly the door slams shut behind you snapping you out of your thoughts. Trailing your eyes from him down to the ground you breathe heavy seeing the thick red line just a few inches from your shoes. Clearing your throat you clutch your bag you brought staring at him seeing him look you up and down already profiling you. Taking a seat in a nearby chair in the safe zone you take out a notepad seeing him smile as he walks closer, by his desk taking a seat. "Pen and paper, old fashioned I like you already" he says with a small smile making you smile a bit, noticing you stop imminently trying to keep it professional.

"Dr. Whitly-" he interrupts "You can call me Martin" he says with a smooth tone seeing you stare. Brushing it off you continue "Dr. Whitly, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you and I want truthful answers if you be so kind" you say seeing him irritated by your passive aggression making you smirk slightly. "You're witty, quick and persistent.. I like a person who gets to the point because I am the same way" he says seeing you shift in your seat with a hard swallow. "Are you suggesting you and I are the same Dr. Whitly" you say in a calm tone trying not to let him get into your head. Sitting back in his chair he taps his foot that's dangling from his left leg that is crossed over his right. "That's for you to decide Detective" he says with a smug smile seeing you stare speechless. Watching you for a moment he breaks the silence leaning forward in his chair startling you making you flinch staring at him. "Now I'm not stupid, they act like I don't watch the news. I know what's going on and I know there's been a new murder spree around the city and they've asked you the eager young detective to come and interview The Surgeon. And now you're trying oh so hard so he doesn't get into your head but you're enamored by being in my presence, tell me detective- am I wrong?" staring with a gaped mouth and wide eyes you close your mouth with a small nod looking at your lap embarrassed.

Hearing him laugh you look up staying quiet seeing him reach out a hand. "May I?" looking down at your note pad and pen you hesitate but soon hand him both with a shaky hand, his fingers grazing yours gently making you blush a faint pink. "Ah alrighty lets see" he says waving the pen as he reads the questions on your note pad. "These are so simple, I thought better of you Detective.. let's scrap these" he says ripping the paper out and tossing it behind him. "Let's start fresh" he says handing you back the pen and pad as he stands up walking to the center of the room.. "Let's get to know one another, shall we?" he says cupping his hands together staring at you, seeing you with a small smile.

To Be Continued...

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