Chapter 1 Iron Blooded

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(A/N) I'm going to get this out the way. Within this story, My OC/The male reader will be more focused on as the main character. Mikazuki will be more of a secondary character within this story. If that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned.

No one's POV

Currently, within an a run down house in an unknown part of the slums on Mars, an older woman was slumped onto the ground, holding her stomach in pain, as she is bleeding out from a gun shot wound. Furiously, she looks up to the culprit who shot her.

Woman: It's because of you were born... Because of you my life is as miserable as it is...! I hate you... I HATE YOU!!!!

Standing in front of the woman, was an 7 year old boy, with cuts and bruises all over him, holding up a gun.

???: ...

Woman: Akuma ...!!! You Demon Spawn...!!! There's no where for a Demon like you to belong!

???: ...

The woman soon began to cry, before showing a defeated and exhausted smile.

Woman: I'm tired... I'm so tired... I just want to be free... Free from this horrible world...

The woman looked at the boy, who she previously attempted to kill, smiling at him.

Woman: Thank you... For freeing...

Before she could finish her sentence, she proceeded to die, from her wounds, leaving the boy alone.

???: ...

The boy didn't say anything, as he proceeded to grab a hoodie and bag, grabbing anything that would be useful. Upon gathering everything he could need, he got ready to leave, but looked back the woman.

???: ...

The boy then proceeded to walk over to her, placing a flower in her hands, and closed her eyes.

???: I hope you are able to find peace, mom...

The proceeded to kiss his deceased mother on the forehead goodbye.After he did, he left behind his mother, and headed into the cruel world alone...


8 years later...

Within the Chryse Guard Security (CGS), a private military company located in the Chryse region of Mars, inside a secret hanger, a boy with black hair and blue eyes was sitting and reading a book that appeared to be a manga of some kind. Next to him laying down was a tan skinned, white haired boy napping.

???: Orga, Nhazul.

The blue eyed boy named Nhazul looked up, seeing a boy around his age also, with blue eyes and black hair looking at them. The tan skinned boy named Orga woke up and noticed Mika.

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Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans x OC/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now