(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers

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No one's POV

Currently, within an unknown location, Nhazul slowly began to open his eyes, dazed and confused to this whereabouts.

Nhazul's thoughts: Where am I...? It's so dark...

As Nhazul continued to look around, he soon quickly realized just where he has.

Nhazul: This is...

???: It's because of you were born...

Nhazul looked back and saw his younger self, along with his mother.

Mom: Because of you my life is as miserable as it is...! I hate you... I HATE YOU!!!!

Nhazul looked over at all the cuts and bruises all over his younger self, as he was holding up a gun, as he had a cold and emotionless stare.

Nhazul: ...

Nhazul's thoughts: I can hardly believe that's me...

Mom: Akuma ...!!! You Demon Spawn...!!! There's no where for a Demon like you to belong!

Nhazul's thoughts: A part of me most have believed what she said to me... I avoided any semblance of human interaction, other then stealing or killing to survive... I didn't want her words to become reality... But...

The scene changed to two years later, the night he met Atra. Holding his bleeding arm, after killing the wild dogs, a young Nhazul then turned his attention to a young Atra.

Young Nhazul: Are you alright?

Young Atra: Y-Yes...

Young Nhazul: Why are you out here, anyway? Everyone around here knows stray dogs roam around here and attack whoever they see.

Young Atra: I-I didn't know... I was abandoned...

Young Nhazul: Abandoned?

Young Atra: Y-Yes... My family's poor. They had to reduce the number of mouths to feed...

Young Nhazul: I see... So you're alone too...

Seeing his bleeding arm, young Atra weakly sitting up, before reaching for the sleeve or her shirt, ripping it off.

Young Nhazul: What are you doing?

Young Atra: I...I want to thank you... But this is all I can do...

Young Atra proceeded to wrap the piece of shirt around his arm with the bite.

Young Nhazul: You'll maker yourself colder doing that...

Young Atra: I have to thank you some how...

Young Nhazul looked at his arm, with the makeshift bandage on it, before feeling a drop of water touch his face, as he saw it was getting ready to rain soon. Seeing this, young Nhazul looked down at young Atra.

Young Nhazul: You don't have anywhere to go, right?

Young Atra: N-No...

Young Nhazul: Right. Then we should get moving.

Young Atra: Huh?

Young Nhazul: It's going to rain soon, we'll be caught in it with we don't move.

Young Atra looked at young Nhazul surprised, as he outstretched his hand to her. Not long after did she accept it.

Young Nhazul: What's your name?

Young Atra: A-Atra... Atra Mixata...

Young Nhazul: I'm Nhazul... Nhazul Hatake.

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