Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort

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No one's POV

Currently within the outskirts of the Tekkadan HQ, Gjallarhorn forces had surrounded them, preventing any attempt to escape. Currently, Nhazul, Mikazuki, and McGillis were in the hangar where Barbatos Lupus Rex and Amdusias Bestia Czar were being stored. Currently, Mikazuki was practicing pull-ups while connected to Amdusias, while Nhazul sat on the ledge.

McGillis: The situation has become much simpler

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McGillis: The situation has become much simpler. If we wipe them out now, it'll all be over with. You must be in favor of fighting here on your home ground.

Mikazuki: I'll fight if Orga tells me to.

McGillis: What do you want to do?

Mikazuki: I just do whatever Orga wants me to.

McGillis: Orga Itsuka has nothing to do with this. I'm asking how you feel.

Mikazuki drops down, looking towards McGillis.

Mikazuki: How many times do I have to tell you? What Orga wants to do is what I want to do.

Nhazul: You're wasting your breath. This is how Mika thinks. He only does whatever Orga tells him to do, there's no changing that.

McGillis: I see...

McGillis then looked towards Nhazul.

McGillis: Then what about you?

Nhazul: I just want to survive this ordeal... With everyone. Once we do, I just want to live together with Atra in peace...

McGillis: I see...

Sometime later, a meeting was held with Orga, Eugene, Mikazuki, Nhazul , Akihiro, Lafter, Hush, Chad, Dante, Nadi and Merribit to discuss what Tekkadan's next move would be.

Sometime later, a meeting was held with Orga, Eugene, Mikazuki, Nhazul , Akihiro, Lafter, Hush, Chad, Dante, Nadi and Merribit to discuss what Tekkadan's next move would be

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Chad: All our communication cables have been cut off. As for LCS, they shoot down all our drones.

Dante: If we can't use the QCCS, we can't get any outside information, let alone contact Mr. Makanai.

Nhazul: There's got to be a reason for Gjallarhorn doing this, but what?

Eugene: Gjallarhorn hasn't done anything just yet. But they could attack at any moment. We're stuck in a dead end.

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