Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn

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No one's POV

Currently, within in space, Tekkadan has managed to rendezvous with the Gjallarhorn ship that they would meet to discuss the plan to take on Dawn Horizon Corps. Currently within the hanger, Nhazul was floating in the air, reading his manga, as Mikazuki was sitting next to him. Suddenly, Orga entered and floated down to them.

Orga: There you two are.

Nhazul: What are you doing here?

Orga: I was told to rest up and I'm bored.

Mikazuki: You too, huh?

Orga: I guess we'll obey. Did you both hear about the plane from Eugene?

Nhazul: Yep.

Mikazuki: He said it's a chance to capture the enemy's boss.

Orga: If we do it now, Gjallarhorn can't take credit for it. Dawn Horizon Corps is a nuisance to Teiwaz as well. Crushing then would make a good gift.

Mikazuki: Right.

Orga: Gjallarhorn must have a motive to team up with us, too. It's a dangerous bridge, but if we see the other side, we can cross it.

Mikazuki: Don't worry. We'll pave the way for you.

Nhazul: Not like we got a choice in the matter. But, we'll make sure you reach it, leader.

Orga held up his fists, fist bumping the two of then.

Orga: I'm counting on you both.

Later on, Dawn Horizon Corps finally revealed themselves, revealing they had over 10 ships, instead of just 3, as they spread out attempting to surround them.

Eugene: Nhazul and Mikazuki, you both are going to draw their Mobile suits attention while I make sure our ships aren't surrounded. Good luck.

Nhazul: Got it.

Amdusias Bestia was launched first, then it was Barbatos Lupus's turn, Nhazul heard one of the bridge members talking.

Bridge member: Catapult is set, ready when you are.

Nhazul: Nhazul Hatake, Gundam Barbatos Lupus taking off!

Barbatos Lupus was launched, and it was able to catch up with Amdusias Bestia, drawing it's sword from it's sheathed, which was mounted on it's back, held by the sub arms.

Nhazul: Let's do this, Mika!

Mikazuk: Yeah.

Amdusias Bestia began to open fire on the approaching Mobile suits, while Barbatos Lupus rushed forward,

Amdusias Bestia began to open fire on the approaching Mobile suits, while Barbatos Lupus rushed forward,

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cutting down multiple of them. Upon taking out 6 each. Nhazul saw them split into two groups with one group going after the ships.

Nhazul: Some of them broke through.

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