Chapter 7 Whaling

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No one's POV

Currently, within the hanger, Nhazul was helping with the maintenance of Barbatos while Kudeila was teaching the others. As he was working, Atra had floated down to him.

Atra: Hmmm, so this is what it looks like inside...

Nhazul looked up and noticed Atra had floated into the cockpit with Nhazul.

Nhazul: Oh, hey, what brings you back down here?

Atra: No reason.

Nhazul noticed Atra holding a container, confusing him.

Nhazul: What's this?

Atra: Just a snack. I thought you'd might be hungry again.

Nhazul just gave Atra a look.

Atra: What?

Nhazul: Don't you think the others would get a little jealous if they saw you giving me special treatment?

Atra just pouted at Nhazul.

Atra: Well, if you don't want it.

Atra went to float away, only for Nhazul to grab her by the back of the shirt.

Nhazul: Don't put words in my mouth.

Suddenly, the alarms started going off, surprising the two of them.

Atra: The alarms?

Nhazul: Looks like more trouble. I'm heading up.

Atra: R-Right...

Nhazul quickly made his way up to the bridge to see what was going on.

Nhazul: What's going on?

Nhazul looked on the screen and saw it was Maruba, surprising him.

Nhazul: The hell? The President?

Maruba: How dare you ride off with my ship! You Thief Rats! Return my Will-O-the Wisp, now!

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Maruba: How dare you ride off with my ship! You Thief Rats! Return my Will-O-the Wisp, now!

Orga: Eugene.

Orga motioned Eugene to take Maruba off the main screen.

Eugene: Look who's talking, the coward who ran away first. Stop your nonsense.

Maruba: Who are you? Orga! Get me Orga!

Nhazul: ...-_-... Jezz, what a man child...

Orga then looked over at Biscuit, nodding.

Biscuit: Miss Admoss. Can you analyze the LCS signal?

 Can you analyze the LCS signal?

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