Chapter 40 The Spark

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No one's POV

2 hours before McGillis's Declaration of Revolution...

3 days after Tekkadan's attack on JPT Trust, Vidar, Hyun and Rustal discussed about McGillis's actions, as they were currently in his office.

Vidar: I heard that McGillis called a meeting of the Seven Stars.

Rustal: It's probably about Iok.

Hyun: No probably. It definitely is. He used banned weapons after all.

Rustal: Even so, I've settled the matter with Teiwaz. We can handle whatever they throw at us.

Vidar: So you're not going to Earth?

Rustal: If I went to a meeting I wasn't invited to, they'd laugh and say I'm a man of leisure.

Vidar: I see.

Rustal: Does it bother you?

Vidar: Can you give me some time.

Rustal: Is be going to take action?

Vidar: I've always wanted to find out what his true intentions were. And there's an answer I've vaguely arrived upon. And if I'm right, he will.

Rustal looked at Vidar and chuckled.

Rustal: Fine. Both of you take your Mobile suits with you. You and your subordinate go settle things.

Hyun: Right.

Vidar: Thank you.


4 hours after McGillis's Declaration of Revolution...

The revolution within Gjallarhorn led by McGillis had begun. The revolutionaries have already taken control of most of Gjallarhorn Headquarters, with most of the Seven Stars detained. They have also taken control of the communication facilities and are broadcasting the speech given by the revolutionary Liza Enza. Tekkadan had helped them build a defense against the Arianrhod in Earth's orbit, Mikazuki and Nhazul were dealing with the enemy Mobile Suits. Currently they were sitting outside their Gundams, waiting, when they had received a call from Isurugi.

Mikazuki: Isn't it time yet?

Isurugi: Sorry. Just a little more until their headquarters is completely suppressed. I need you two to wait there a bit more.

Nhazul: And Macs?

Isurugi: The General is preparing the finishing touches. Just a little more. Our victory is within our grasp. And do not call him that.

A few hours later, as Nhazul and Mikazuki were still waiting, they suddenly picked up two Ahab reactions coming from McGillis location.

Nhazul: Two Ahab reactions?

Mikazuki: Let's go.

Elsewhere, currently McGillis was making his way through the base, arriving within the hanger under the base, the hanger housing the Gundam Frame, Beal.

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