Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...

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No one's POV

It's been a few days since the the deal with Orcus for a guide ship just came through and finalized. Now they just needed to get to the Isaribi and make their way to Earth. But the fact that it was Todo who recommended Orcus still troubled Nhazul. He just hoped his bad feeling was wrong. Currently he was eating his meal with the others, when his attention turned to a surprising new applicant who made her presence known.

Atra: Let me

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Atra: Let me... Please hire me as a cook for Tekkadan!

Hearing this, Nhazul spit out his drink in

Hearing this, Nhazul spit out his drink in

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Orga's face, as he just gave him a look.

Nhazul: HUH?!?!

Atra: I've already talked to the manager and quit the store.

Without warning, Nhazul grabbed Atra's face, squeezing it with an annoyed look.

Nhazul: No! Absolutely not! Out of the question! You are not joining Tekkadan!

Atra: Big bro! That hurts!

Nhazul: Yeah, that's the point! You're not joining!

Atra: Why not?!

Nhazul: Because it's too dangerous!

Orga: Sounds good, right?

Nhazul looked at Orga annoyed.

Nhazul: Huh?!

Mikazuki: Atra's cooking is delicious.

Nhazul: That's not the point here!

Orga: Alright, Atra. You're hired.

Nhazul: HEY!!!

Atra: Thank you very much! I'll do my very best!

Nhazul: No! You won't, because you're not going! Especially now! Our enemy is Gjallarhorn! It's too dangerous!

Atra: Didn't you promise me you'd always look after me? How are you supposed to do that if you're not here?

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