Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve

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No one's POV

Currently within the hotel, everyone was still trying to figure out where Kudelia and Fumitain had gone, after losing Gjallarhorn.

Biscuit: They haven't checked out, but the hotel clerk saw then go out separately.

Eugene: Give me a break. We have to hurry back to Isaribi.

Mikazuki proceeded to clinch his fist, tightly.

Mikazuki: I'll go look for her.

Orga: Mika!

Nhazul: I'll go with him.

Atra: Me too!

Orga: Sorry, thanks.

Upon leaving the hotel, Nhazul, Mikazuki and Atra began running around looking for Kudelia. Eventually Mikazuki stopped, looking at at tv.

Atra: Mikazuki.

Nhazul and Atra looked at the tv and saw Kudelia was on it with the Union workers.

Atra: What? Kudelia? Why is she there?

Nhazul: That looks like it's on the Main Street. Mika, head down. I'll take Atra back and tell-

Atra: No, go with Mikazuki. I'll go tell Orga.

Nhazul looked back at Atra.

Nhazul: But...

Atra looked at Nhazul and smiled.

Atra: I'll be fine, big bro. I'll go tell the others, so please hurry.

Nhazul looked at Atra, placing his hands on her face, pressing his forehead to her, his face full of concern.

Nhazul: Promise me, you'll be okay...

Atra smiled at Nhazul, holding his hands.

Atra: I promise. So please go her Kudelia.

Nhazul: Right.

Elsewhere, Hyun and Gaelio were on the bridge of the ship, watching every take place on the colonies.

Gaelio: Gjallarhorn seems pretty relaxed about this.

Captain: Things must be going as planned.

Hyun: As planed?

Captain: The Union members must be hoping to negotiate, but of course that's impossible.

Hyun: And why is that?

Captain: Bringing Mobile Workers and creating such a commotion... The Union can't back down now.

Gaelio: Meaning?

Captain: Gjallarhorn will corner them until they lash back. And they're just the tip of the iceberg. If trouble does start, the other dissidents will take their own actions.

Hyun just narrowed his eyes.

Hyun's thoughts: So they just plan on provoking them into making the first move when they have no intention to so they can wipe them out without any blame. They're staging a massacre...!

Back with Nhazul and Mikazuki, after leaving Atra, the two quickly made their way to the Main Street, as they did, ever could hear explosions and gunfire.

Nhazul: Damn it, we have to hurry!

Mikazuki: I know!

By the time Nhazul and Mikazuki made it, they arrived to be met with the bodies of dead Union workers,

By the time Nhazul and Mikazuki made it, they arrived to be met with the bodies of dead Union workers,

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