Chapter 32 Stained Wings

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No one's POV

As the Mobile Armors fired a beam weapon that made a long trench in the ground before raising itself up from its burial site. It looked like a bird with a beak and wings, but also with a tail, and the other of a dinosaur, as they continued to fire its beam weapons at the sky as the Mobile Armor's Seraph and Hashmal had both been reawakened.

Nhazul: Great...

McGillis: That idiot... He has awakened them.

Iok: What happened? What is that?

The Seraph and Hashmal then turned and attacked Iok and one of his soldiers.

Orga: Dang it... What are those things?

McGillis: Let's retreat while we can.

Orga: Wait. The mine will be smashed to bits if we leave.I called headquarters for backup. If they arrive...

McGillis: It's no use. Those things can't be beat that easily.

Orga: How do we stop it?

McGillis: Now that they're activated, our only choice is to destroy it. That is, if we can.

Nhazul: Wait. Are you saying you weren't planning on destroying it in the first place?

McGillis: I took precautions so this wouldn't happen.

Orga: Mika, Nhazul, let's go.

Orga called out, as Nhazul and Mikazuki went to the car for the retreat.

McGillis: Iok Kujan. How foolish can you get?

Elsewhere, aboard a ship on it's way to Mars, Hyun, Julieta and Vidar had gotten a call from Rustal, informing them of his status.

Rustal: Contact from Iok's advance team has ceased.

Julieta: Have they been wiped out?

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Julieta: Have they been wiped out?

Rustal: I don't know. The Mars Branch knows nothing too.

Julieta: That's a problem...

Vidar: We shouldn't jump to the conclusion that they've been annihilated. The Mars Branch is under Lord Fareed's command. It could be false information

Hyun: That's a possibility. But there's also another option. If the Mobile Armor was in a dormant state, they communications shouldn't have been lost. The only way they could awaken is if someone activates it manually or it senses a mobile suit's Ahab Waves. And McGillis knows that and isn't stupid enough to do either or. Unlike a certain someone who we lost contact with.

Rustal: Hmmm.

Julieta: Unbelievable... We finally get some peace with him gone, but he has to stir up more trouble.

Hyun: ...-_-... You say it, as you're surprised.

Rustal: Anyway, we have to follow up on this Mobile Armor and Iok's team. I want reliable information. Can you do that?

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