Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm

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No one's POV

After McGillis had retrieved the Gundam Bael and gave his declaration, along with Gaeilo's, Rustal then appeared on the screen.

Rustal: This is Rustal Elion, the commander of the Arianrhod Fleet. Until now, we the Arianrhod Fleet have kept Gaelio Bauduin under our protection. He exposed McGillis Fareed's offenses to us. To acquire the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet, he cunningly murdered Commander Carta Issue. He also took over his family from his adoptive father Iznario Fareed. And by killing Gaelio Bauduin and making Almiria Bauduin his wife, he schemed to take possession of the Bauduin Family as well. That is not all. He disgraced Gundam Bael, the symbol of Gjallarhorn, in which the soul of Agnika Kaieru, the founder of Gjallarhorn, sleeps. Even if it means to break the laws of Gjallarhorn, the Arianrhod Fleet will bring McGillis Fareed to justice.

After the broadcast, Nhazul and Mikazuki had met up with McGillis.

McGillis: Sorry to keep you waiting. Once the shuttle gets here, you both can go up. We'll go after you two.

Mikazuki: I thought the surgery was impossible for adults.

McGillis: Do you remember the Black Graze you fought at Edmonton?

Nhazul: Yeah. He said he was using a Alaya Vijnana as well. And it's the same guy I fought down there.

McGillis: You are correct. A Gjallarhorn soldier had underwent an experimental updated version of the surgery. That was all an experiment for this day. An experiment for the day I would be able to pilot Bael with a more perfected version.

The Alaya Vijnana system was developed by what is now Gjallarhorn

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The Alaya Vijnana system was developed by what is now Gjallarhorn. They made body modifications a taboo and prohibited it. And in time they forget it. That the legendary Mobile suit needed the Alaya Vijnana to work. Their convenient memory loss and self preservation are what leads me to the top of Gjallarhorn.

Isurugi: General, it's time.

McGillis: Right. We will meet again. Nhazul Hatake, Mikazuki Augus.

Elsewhere, once both Hyun and Gaeilo returned to the Arianrhod Fleet, Vidar was getting ready to be reconfigured into it's original form, as everyone prepared to battle McGillis's fleet and Tekkadan. Returning to his room, Hayato took the time to call his mother.

Hyun: Hey, mom.

Faith: Hyun! I wasn't expecting you to call. With everything going on, I figured you'd be busy.

Hyun: Yeah, that's why I am. It's going to get really hectic soon. I wanted to speak to you before that.

Faith: I see. Well, I won't keep you long. Just stay safe, alright?

Hyun: I will.

Hyun went to hang up, but quickly stopped, thinking about Nhazul.

Hyun: Hey, mom....

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