Chapter 4 The Price Of Living

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No one's POV

It's been 2 days since the defeat of Crank, and everyone was preparing to head off to earth. Currently, Nhazul, Mikazuki and Akihiro were doing their normal work outs, when Akihiro jumped down from the pipe first.

Akihiro: Hey, I'm going now

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Akihiro: Hey, I'm going now.

Mikazuki: Right,

Nhazul: See you later, Guts.

Akihiro just looked at Nhazul annoyed.

Akihiro: Enough with the stupid name...!

Mikazuki: You start early tomorrow?

Akihiro: Yes, I have work.

Nhazul: Work, huh?

Akihiro: Huh?

Nhazul just smiled at Akihiro.

Nhazul: Looking forward to working with you, Guts.

Akihiro just rolled his eyes, getting ready to leave.

Akihiro: What does that mean? It's routine we work like that.

Mikazuki began to smile as well.

Mikazuki: Right... It's Routine.


Currently, Nhazul was in the middle of is helping Mikazuki and Nadi service the Mobile Workers and Mobile Suits. Nhazul was in Barbatos, while Mikazuki is in Amdusias. As they did, Orga and Biscuit both came to check on them.

Orga: Mika, Nhazul, how's it all going?

Mikazuki and Nhazul opened their cockpits.

Mikazuki: Well, I think it's okay. Probably.

Orga: Probably?

Nhazul: I mean, your guess is as good as mine.

Biscuit: Can we take these two up?

Nadi just looked at Barbatos and Amdusias.

Nadi: Who knows?

Biscuit looked at Nadi surprised.

Biscuit: What?

Biscuit: What?

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