Chapter 18

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I'm high as hell and I don't know what I'm doing popping all these pills I'm hungry as fuck and I'm moody. I picked up my phone went to twitter and started typing.
-Life is crazy right now. I'll make it though.
I wanted to cry but instead I took my ass to bed.
(3 weeks later.)
I've been at the studio for the past three weeks working on songs for my next album, tryna keep busy so I don't have to be home alone. I'm releasing the album in about a week. A few days ago I went out with Drake it was horrible but he's such a sweetheart, it would never work. I've been hanging out with Meek still were working on a song together. I just know this album gonna have people in they feelings but then again maybe not. I leave the studio and go home.
*knocks at the door*
I look out the peep hole, it's a 6'4 man standing with his back facing the house. I open the door.
"Um excuse me s-" he turns around. "Safaree!" This has been the 1st time since the breakup I've seen him. I hugged him, he hugged back.
"Hey Nic. Can I come in?" I let him in.
"Why are you here?"
"I want to pick up some of my stuff."
"Oh your taking this to the hotel." I got a little sad.
"No I found a some place. It's 2 bedrooms." "Oh that's good." We're really over. He found his own place. A tear fell from my eye. He wiped it for me.
"I still love you Onika. Okay?" I smiled.
"Love you too, Safaree" he stood up.
"Um, I'm gonna go grab some of my stuff."
I've just been buying stuff to keep at the hotel. It's kind of nice to be back at this house. It's like a home sweet home feeling even though I'm gonna stay. I grabbed a suitcase from my old closet and started throwing clothes, shoes, and boxers into it. "You need any help?" Nicki walked in.
"Nah I'm good, thanks for asking."
"But do you mind if I use the shower real quick my water isn't on yet?" I began walking to the bathroom.
"Go ahead." I started taking off my shirt, she smiled at me. 20 minutes later I got out. I walked into her bedroom and started getting dressed.
"So should I give you back this ring." I started sliding it off my finger. He grabbed my hands.
"It's yours Nic. If we're not together it doesn't change that the ring belongs to you." I kissed him, he picked me up.
*kiss* "Your such an amazing person." I said.
*kiss* "Not more amazing than you." He put me on the bed, I took my shirt off as he did the same with his. He kissed my neck over and over. He removed my shorts and thong. I removed his boxers. He came into me. I've missed you sex. This is a mistake. But I'm not complaining.
(2 hours later)
He came out of me then laid beside me.
"I'm so tired." He said.
"Me too. We haven't had sex in month."
"Maybe we shouldn't have done this." I looked at him.
"Why not we know we're not together."  He smirked.
"Right, you ready to go again?" I smiled and got on top of him. He's right this is a mistake.
Me and Nic have been going at it all day. By 10p.m we finally choose to stop, I'm so tired.
"I should start packing again." I got off the bed.
"I'll help you."
She started passing me a couple things out my drawer.
"Who's are these Safaree?" She held up a red thong.
"Their yours. Aren't they?"
"No they're not."
"How do you know?" She mushed my head.
"My butt isn't this small. Were you fucking somebody?"
"No I wasn't I don't know where these came from." I argued but I wasn't lying.
"Where they come from then." Nicki started getting mad. "You know what I'm glad we broke up cause your such a lier." She yelled.
"Coming from the cheater. I don't know where they came from." I grabbed my bags. She walked me to the door as she yelled more.
"Get out Safaree."
"Bye. It was fun." She looked at me angrily.
"Yea it was." She slammed the door.
"Well that was nice." I said sarcastically walking to my car. I missed that so much though. Maybe this breakup was wrong.
(Almost 2 weeks later.)
So me and Faree have been talking every now and then but we're not going to start dating again. I've been seeing Meek but I don't think we're a couple though. He got arrested he'll be out in about a month. He just violated his probation. This dating shit is a lot of work. Drake won't leave my ass alone, keep texting me and shit. I went on one 'date' with him we ain't do anything but watch a movie. Light skin niggas .
~ Hey Nic, how bout we go out tonight?
>I don't feel to good maybe another night.
~ I hope you feel better
I feel bad for lying but whatever. I have rehearsal for my upcoming tour tomorrow anyway.
I went to the studio to see K. Michelle today she asked if I could collaborate on her song Going Under. Of course I said yes, she helped my song Burner go viral so I owe her plus I'm a fan.
"Hey Safaree."
"Hi K." I hugged her "you look beautiful."
"Thank you. You ready to start recording."
(1 hour later)
"Okay, that sounds good. Um we can meet up next week." She said.
"Alri-" just then my phone started ringing. "Sorry I gotta take this, call me." I picked up the phone and walked out of the booth.
"Hey Rih, what's up."
"Nothing much, just wondering if you wanted to do something tonight."
"Yea sure, you want me to pick you up around 9."
"Yea that's good. See you then." She hung up the phone.
(At Rehearsal the next day)
"Stop the music." I say while turning to the  girl behind me. "Um excuse me, it's 1, 2,3,4," I say while demonstrating the moves. "Not 1, 2, 2, 3, 4. Okay?" She nodded her head. As a was about start dancing to Anaconda again I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom. I come back from throwing up.
"We should up now." Everyone leaves then I'm left with Rika.
"Girl you okay?"
"No I've been just randomly throwing up these past few days."
"Did you eat something?"
"No I don't think so."
"Are you pregnant?"
"I don't think I am." I reply then I thought about it. I could be.
"Take a pregnancy test." She pulls one out of bag and hands it to me
"Wait why do you- nevermind." I go to the bathroom and pee on the stick.
I couldn't think of anything for this chapter. Sorry guys it was so boring and that I haven't been updating lately... exam week.
Thanks for reading. More than 3 thousand reads ☺☺ thanks to yall.

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