Chapter 25

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I'm sitting on the couch eating Chinese food with Rika and watching tv. There's a knock at the door I get up to answer it.
"Hey, come in." Rihanna and Safaree walked into my house.
"Hey, you are glowing Nicki." Rihanna hugged me. It's still weird that she's dating Safaree but she's never done anything wrong towards me so we don't have any problems.
"Thank you Rih."
"Hey Rika." Safaree said as he hugged Rika.
"Hey little babies." He touched my stomach.
"Okay so let me show you what I got." Rihanna said as she took a gift bag from Safaree. She took out two baby carriers, a basket filled with lotions and things, and a couple packs of onesies.
"Aww thank you Rih. You didn't have to do all this." I smiled.
"You welcome, it was no big deal." She smiled.
I walked to the bedroom to put this stuff  away.
"Guys! My water just broke!" I yelled Safaree ran into the room where I was.
"What do we do?!"
"Go get my bag out my room." He ran to my room.
"Which one?" He yelled.
"The Pink duffel bag!" I started walking to the car. We all got in the car, Safaree drove.
"When are you due Nic?" Rika asked.
"May 16.  I'm three weeks early." I say "somebody call Meek." Rika takes my phone and dialed his number. He didn't answer.
"Call him from your phone" Sherika did so.
"Hey Meek....your girlfriend is going in to labor....your in Philly? need to get here right now." She hung up.
I'm sitting in a room with a few guys, Candy and Candice, they won a contest to hang out with me for a day.
"Who was that Meek?" Candy asked, I've been trying to keep my distance from her, she tried to kiss me earlier today.
"My girlfriend's bestfriend. I gotta go guys." I got my keys.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"My girl is going into labor."
"Oh congrats..."  She hugged me. "It was nice meeting you."
"Bye, nice meeting you Candice and Candy." I drove to an airport.
We got to the hospital. Sherika and Rihanna sat in the waiting room, Safaree is in the hospital room with me.
"Wow I'm gonna be a father." I looked at him he smiled.
"We don't know that for sure."
The doctor came in to see how many centimeters I'm dilated, 3 so far.
I got a call from Meek.
"Hey Nic I'm on a plane right now."
"Why haven't you been answering my calls?"
"Cause I didn't want you to be mad at me."
"Mad for what?"
"For leaving you alone for a week, for partying, and shit."
"Meek I don't have time for this, if you want to party and shit do you."
"I'm sorry I was just tryna do some shit before you have the babies."
"I shoulda listened to Fah."
"Huh? What-" I hung up on him, Safaree looked down at me.
What the hell did she mean by I shoulda listened to Fah? I called Fah.
"What the hell did you tell Nicki?!"
"The truth."
"What do you mean the truth?"
"I told her she's gonna have to raise the baby on her own. Why?"
"Why would she raise OUR child on her own? She told me she shoulda listened to you."
"Because your not gonna be around. And yea she should have listened to me...  Bye Robert." She hung up.
I can't believe her, I'm not gonna leave Nicki, I only left Fah to chase my dreams. What's wrong with that? Now that my career is going good I can be in a committed relationship.
(4 hours later)
I'm finally 10 centimeters dilated and Meek still isn't here yet. The doctor told me to start pushing.
Safaree grabbed my hand. I squeezed it tighter with ever push.
"Oww damn Nic, what fuck? Got Hulk's strength." I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. Meek ran into the hospital room.
"Sorry I'm here so late."
I look at him and continue to push.
"Come on, the head is almost out." My doctor says.
Forty five minutes later my babies are out.
April 26, 2015 at 1:23 a.m.
"Congratulations Ms. Maraj, you have a beautiful baby girl and a handsome baby boy." I smile.
"They're amazing." I turn to Meek he's smiling. 
"Can we do the paternity test now?" Meek asks the doctor.
"Of course, we just need a sample of you and Safaree's dna." They both let the doctor swab their mouths for a DNA sample.
I walk out the room to tell Rika and Rih they can go see the baby now.
"Congrats baby." Rih pecks my lips.
"Thanks but I don't know if they're mine yet."
"If they aren't we can work on having a baby." She kissed me again.
"I love you Robyn Fenty."
"I love you more Safaree Samuels." I take her hand and we walk back into the room.
The doctor walks in right after Safaree and Rih. Everybody looked at him.
"So we have the results." Meek squeezed my hand.
"Who's the father?"
"Oh my." The doctor said looking at the results.
"What?" I asked
"This is uncommon but Safaree is the father of the one child and Meek is the father of the other." My eyes opened wild.
"What?! How is that possible?" Safaree asked.
"1/500 sets of twins have two different father. If you don't ask my asking how many days apart did you have sex with then."
"Three days..."
"It takes sperm 1-3 days to find an egg to fertilize. But Congratulations you two."
"Which baby is ours?" Meek asked.
"The baby girl is. When you all decide on names for the babies let us know." The doctor walked out the room.
I hold my baby girl in my arms. She's beautiful, she kinda looks like Papi. But she looks a lot like Nicki.
"Congrats, she's beautiful." Rihanna said. "Thank you." Nic and I said at the same time. I give Nic the baby and walk to where SB standing holding the baby.
"Congratulations." We said at the same time. "Can I hold him?" He handed me the baby boy. "Wow he look like Nicki too."
"Yea she got some strong ass genes."  I laughed. I gave him the baby back and we walked over to where Nicki was.
I'm holding both my babies in my arms. To think I didn't want kids yet.. They are just so perfect.
"Rih you want to hold them." I say handing her my baby girl.
"Aww she's so pretty, she looks just like you." She hands her back to me and I give her baby boy. "He is too cute."
"Thanks Rih." I handed the babies to Rika.
"Hi wittle babies I'm auntie Rika. Y'all so cute." She said in a baby voice.
This is how my life is gonna be now? Boyfriend, ex, ex's girlfriend, and 2 babies.
This is not how I expected life to be, but it is what it is.
Hey guysss I couldnt decide who the father shouldve been so I chose both. I hope yall like this, thanks for reading What should the babies names be?

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