Chapter Four:

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We had to take the train and a boat to get to New Salem. Annie was smiling all the way, probably because I haven't really had the time to take her out and about since we got to the apartment. At the ticket line when Casey went to go get our tickets, we all got weird and dirty looks from the crowd. It was as if we were freaks. Me being an anti social wierdo, I just sat in an empty chair with my leg twitching a million times per minute. Annie went up with Casey to get the tickets; twirling in her new dress a thousand times. For a little girl who barely had any teeth she sure did smile a lot. It just reminded me of her innocence and about how little she knows about the reality of this world.
We got to Casey's house at about 9:45. That or the clock on his living room wall was way off.
"So, exactly how many rooms are there?" I asked setting my backpack and duffle bag next to a small sofa.
"Let's see: we have a full bathroom, a kitchen, a living room..."
" I meant bedrooms smartass." I looked at him with squinty eyes and he countered with a smirk.
"Just one."
"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. I'm happy that he was kind enough to let us stay with him, but god dammit he could have told me that there was only one bedroom! "Me and Annie will take the couch." I said walking over and taking a seat. I suddenly felt light headed as if my mind was finally comprehending everything going on.
"Actually, I have a slightly better idea if you don't mind." He smiled mischievously and I automatically felt a cold sweat coming down my spine and a f-bomb the size of Boston on the tip of my tounge.
"A-and what exactly is that." I felt my stomache twist and churn at what I thought he was going to say next. Please, I prayed, if there is a single angel who cares up there please don't let it be so.
"What if we shared a room?" DAMMIT!! What the hell, I thought! Were all the damn angels in heaven on vacation or something? Why do none of my prayers ever getting answered?! I sat there mentally screaming and shaking Casey by the shoulders. In reality, he was leaning against the light tan wall laughing as I showed signs of an anxiety attack. "Would it help if you believed I was gay?"
All the mental screaming stopped and I focused my attention back on him.
"You're gay?" He shrugged his shoulders and smiled widely.
"Would it get you to relax and live in the same room as me if I was?"
"I mean,yeah a little. I've never really slept with a guy before, you know?" He slowly nodded his head and closed his eyes as if he were contemplating something.
"So you're a vitgin huh?" Blushing slightly I nodded my head and looked away.
"Are you?" I asked him seeking personal info after giving some out.
"Yeah. I've never slept with a girl before."
"But I thought that you were gay?"
"Oh I'm not gay," he said combing his hair out of his face with his fingers. " but its probably best that you think I am when you're trying to sleep." His evil little smirk showed off some of his teeth and his eyes had a pinkish tint to them. I felt my cheeks turn red instantly and I glanced around the couch area for something to throw at him. There weren't really a lot of furnishings but the room overall was pretty tasteful. The dark brown couch had two throw pillows that were if dark green colour which matched the rug on the hard wood floor and matches the nice light tan walls.
"Whatever we can argue about this later. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about earlier?" I helped Annie into her PJs and laid her down for bed on the couch. Casey handed me a blanket from the other room and I tucked her in lightly. She fell asleep almost instantly and Casey showed me to his room, well technically our room, and I motioned for him to turn around while I changed.
"So if I tell you, you promise to keep an open mind and to trust me?" I slipped my tank top over my head and slipped my long strawberry blonde hair out. Turning around I saw that he was facing me and he was really close. I took a few steps back before going around him and taking a seat on the bed.
"Yeah, I guess I can trust you. I mean I kindda just agreed to live with you until Ann starts getting better so. " He sighed a little bit and he relaxed his shoulders as he sat next to me.
" Annies not eating, because you're not feeding her what she needs."
"What?!" Taken aback I look at his face closely, his eyes are the same dark green as earlier when I was talking about my past and when he got all serious.
"No no no, its not your fault!" His waved his hand back and forth and his eyes turned light green. Though you could tell from the pink in his cheeks that he was embrassed about my misinterpretation. "No, you did the right thing, its just she can't eat human food all the time or she'll get sick.." I looked at with a bit of confusion. What did he mean human food? I waited for him to continue.
"What do you mean 'human food'?" Casey sighed and laid down on the bed.
"Lizzie, would you believe me if I told you that me and Annie aren't exactly human." He turned his head and the covers messed up his hair ever so slightly.
"That depends. You're not some vampire or like were thing are you?" He shot up and looked at me as is I were Kevin Hart and I just told a wicked funny joke.
"What,no! Vampires and Werewolves are made up. They are just figments of the human imagination." He started laughing a little bit before looking down at his hands. "No, what I am is much more powerful than anything you humans could create."
"And what are you? He sat up and looked me dead in the eyes. They were dark green with streaks of red peeking out from behind his pupils.
"A demon." There was a flash of red going through his whole eye. It was like a small fire had been lit.
"Is Annie a demon too?" I asked. I thought for a second the it might sound weird that I cared more that she was a demon and I know nothing on how to take care of demon children, than I care that I was sitting on a bed with a demon.
Casey shook his head and mused his hair a little bit.
"Yeah. But I think she's only half. You said that you saw her mother right?"
"Yeah, I saw her the night she dropped Ann off. "
"Was she with anyone?" I tried to recall the night in my head and an image of a younger man standing by the edge of the road popped into my mind.
"Yeah, there was this guy. He was standing off by the road watching her drop off the baby." Casey's eyes fully turned red and widened. He clenthed his teeth to hide his anger but there was no hiding the veins popping out of his wrist caused by his clenthed fists. He took a few deep breathes before grabbing my cold hand and holding it in his.
"Lizzie what I'm about to ask you is extermely imprtant; what did the man do after the woman dropped Annie off?"
I looked as his red eyes darkened and I tried to remember all that happened that night.
"Yeah. He, i - i ..."
"Its okay, just say what you saw." It sounded like I was a little girl telling about how I witnessed a murder. It made me nervous and I started to shake a little bit.
"Before I went to tell my foster mother about Ann, I saw him reach up and touch her chest. She fell to the ground and he picked her up.... They both disappeared."
Casey's eyes changed again. This time they turned organge red and no green showed.
"They disappeared?." He looked at me in shock. But why was he the one who's freaking out. I'm the one who just found out that demons existed! But that only made me think: what else were we sharing the world with?
Casey laid back down on the bed and rubbed his face with one hand. The other was still holding mine. His hand stopped moving and just covered his eyes, shielding any light that could come through.
"Casey," I rubbed my thumb over the side of his hand. A tactic my mom would use to cheer me up.
"Hum?" He didn't move.
"I remember that guy from somewhere else too." Casey propped up on his elbow and looked over at me.
"He was at my mothers funeral." Casey's eyes remained their previous colour and he flopped down on the bed.

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