Chapter Twenty One:

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The moment Liz came back with Annie, I thought I was going to lose it. She, not only the love of my life, but half of my world, came back to me with my other missing piece.
I still remember the way she looked at me. Her eyes, they could see into the very depths of my soul. And I'll admit, I was scared. They were the eyes of the young mortal woman who I had previously fell in love with.
They were the soulless, hopeless, pained and knowing eyes of the goddess that she had become.
It wasn't but the day before when they were so full if life and wonder. Only today to be filled with never before seen pain and torment.
I didn't find out right away about where she went. When she left me like she did, I couldn't even manage to carry my own daughter in the castle. My father ended up having to carry her to his room, which was to be guarded by the best guards of hell. The hounds themselves, were lent to us by a friend of Medusa. She ended up forcing us to let her stay.
As for me, I went directly to our room. All of her stuff laid untouched. Not a single spec of dust laid on them yet. I felt a rage enter my head and I threw everything around me onto the floor. I heard a piece if glass shatter as Lizzie's favourite vase smashed on the hard wooden floor.
I fell down on my knees and tried to pick up the pieces. Annie made it for her while I wasn't home. When I abandoned them.
A few pieces slid under the bed and as I grabbed them I felt the two boxes.
The first one was Annie's. I opened it to find her a letter and a necklace made of sapphire and white gold. In the letter it said:
Dearest Annie:
If your reading this it probably means I am no longer with you and it is your 16th birthday! Happy birthday my beautiful baby girl! Right now, you are probably really confused and don't understand what is going on right now. But don't worry, whatever happened I can promise you that it's not your fault. Nor is it your fathers. He's going to turn out to be a great man someday. I just need you to look out for him for me. Okay? I love you so much princess! And i promise we will see each other again!
Mommy <3
I felt myself tear up a little bit and I contemplated opening up the small package with my name written in it.
I felt a warm hand touch my should and I turned around to see Jason.
"Where's Liz?" I asked only to get Jason shaking his head at me.
"She will not be returning from this battle. I-i am very sorry." For the first time in all of the centuries that I was alive, I always hated my brother. But seeing him standing there crying over my loss, I had finally given up the hatred I had been holding onto for the years of stuff he didn't even do.
He left after a quick and awkward hug and I sat there and stared at the package laying on the bed.
Slowly I picked in up and opened the letter that was taped to the outside.
My loving fiancé,
Today will be our 6th year anniversary together. If you are opening this letter before then I'm assuming that something awful has happened and I have addressed you to open them sooner.
My love I am sorry I had to go. It had nothing to do with you or Annie. It was a matter of keeping our little family safe. I just want to let you know how much I love you, and how long that my love for you will endure.
Do you remember that night when I found you at the cabin hidden in the orchard? We danced to Christina Perrie's 'a thousand years'. I had asked you if you would love me for a thousand years like in the song. And you had told me that two thousand years could never be long enough. After that day I began to think about time and how precious it was. The CD in the package are a bunch of songs that I've thrown together into hopes that I can try to make you understand just a fraction of my live for you. Its nothing too special, just paramore, sleeping with sirens, Peirce the veil, and some others. I hope you enjoy it! I will miss you something horrid. Please behave and treat Annie kindly. I hope to see you in the future. But know that if I see you anytime soon, you will be in huge trouble!
I love you so much!
Your doteing and forever adoring fiancée,
Mrs. Elizabeth of Wrath <3
After I finished reading her letter the tears really began to fall. I never remembered crying like this in my entire life. I had a mixture of red and black blood running from my face. I couldn't hold them back anymore.
Hours after words I finally pulled myself together enough to put the CD Liz made in the CD player.
I laid back down and closed my eyes as 'if I'm James dean your Audrey Hepburn' came out of the stereo.
I closed my eyes and contemplated how I was going to manage to live without Liz by my side. I tried, but the reality that she was dead just wouldn't sink in. So I laid there and I waited and I prayed that death or sleep take me away. But neither did. So j laid there as the song changed to "all of my heart" and I cried again. And laid there wishing and praying to be as dead as the one and only light of my life:
Elizabeth Heights

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