Chapter Seven:

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"So, I like, belong to you now?" Pacing the kitchen I look up Casey. This is the fifth time we are going over it but it still doesn't make any sense.
"Its not like that." Anger, annoyance, and frustration is starting to show in his voice. And his eyes. Since talking they have changed to a small bit of red and black.
"Okay, Okay. Just explain it to me one more time, just a bit slower." I begg him with crossed fingers and hope that I'm just dreaming again. Sighing, he slowly shakes his head and holds his index finger up to me.
"One last time. We kissed right?" I nodded. Slightly ashamed. " When we kissed, the Fates decided that somewhere in our life lines, we are going to need each other as a couple. So in order to keep any other beings from trying to take you from me, they branded you with my name and ranking in Hell. Keeping up so far princess?" He had a smug look on his face and he smirked at his own last remark.
" who exactly are these 'Fates'?" I asked trying not to sound too pissy.
"The Fates are these three mystical beings that few angels or demons ever really seen. Past, is strange. I hear he goes through your past and on judgement day he checks to make sure that all your rights out weigh your wrongs. Present, she's the one who ensures that Futures plans for our futures are being played out correctly. She's probably the one who branded you. And then there's future. The other two Fates have been nice enough to at least show themselves to prophets, but no. No one has ever seen Future except for the other two Fates. But even they try not to get too emotionally attached to the humanity; because even they don't know what Future is planning."
There was a long silence before either of us even looked at each other.
"So; I guess we are stuck with each other then.." it felt awkward. But sometimes saying things out loud help you to believe things that don't seem real.
" Look; if you really don't want to stay, I wont force you." I didn't even have to look at his eyes to know that he was disappointed and sad. "You can leave whenever you want. And if you want, you can leave Annie here. I can take care of her, and you go have a normal life."
I hate to admit that I even thought about accepting his offer. Having a normal life? Sure, it would be awesome; but at what cost.
"Who wants to be normal?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye and saw his smile light up the room. Even his eyes appeared to be glowing pink. Maybe pink was for happiness?
Before I knew what was happening we were in a small supermarket halfway across the island.
"Remember we need to go to aisle six so I can grab a pack of beer." Casey was pushing the cart with Annie on his shoulder while I was going through the shopping list we made on my phone.
" How can you get beer here I thought you were only 16? Isn't that, I don't know, illegal?"
"First off I'm 17. Not 16. Second New Salem is pretty much run be Supernaturals. Its pretty much the safest place for us. So we can get away with a lot."
" This includes getting beer 4 years younger than the legal age?" I gave him a sceptical look.
"Only at this store. Its the only one that our very few mortal residents won't go to." I rolled my eyes as we turned into the snack aisle. Casey put Annie down and like any other 1 1/2 year old child she went running.
"Annie, only two." I ran to go catch up with her as she already grabbed a box of gushers and two boxes of red velvet cupcakes. I picked her up and put her in the big part of the cart. Casey just stood there laughing.
When we finally finished getting proper grocerys for the month and a few odds and ins, we went over to the check out clerk.
" Casey! My boy!" An older man about 50 waddled up to us and practically picked Casey up in his embrace.
"Mr. Dizinnio!" Casey was barely able to udder as Mr. Dizinnio was still hugging him.
"Casey who is this lovely little lady you got here huh?" The geezers attention was suddenly turned to me and I heard Casey's voice in my head.
"just go with it. no matter what happens just go with it."
Casey, barely escaping his iron grip, walked over and put his arm around me.
I glanced up at him and he leaned his face down and pecked my cheek. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I looked down to Annie who was twirling around in her new dress from the other day.
"Oh come on Casey boy! I know that you can kiss her better than that!" The man laughed loud and hearty. I felt Casey's arm muscle twitch and his whole body became stiff.
"Yeah, but you know she's pretty shy. Plus she's new around here. I wouldn't want my beautiful queen to get all upset now." He fingered my hair and brought his face close to the side of mine again.
His Dove deodorant along with his unnatural heat surrounded me.
"Casey, I think we should be getting back. Annie is getting tired and I need to feed her." I gave him a look and he slightly nodded his head.
"Take her out to the car. I'll be there in a minute." His tone became serious and I picked up Annie and carried her to the car. Before I left; I saw Mr. Dizinnios eyes widen as I mentioned Annie. He looked almost scared.

When Casey finally got to the car, he sat down and looked at Annie sleeping in the back. He was staring at her for a few minutes and before I saw a single tear slide down his cheek. His jaw clinched and the vein I'm his fore arm was twitching. I slid my hand down and held his.
"Case, are you okay?" I lightly squeezed his hand and he looked back at me with glossy eyes.
"Mr. Dizinnio is a demon friend of mine." He breathed in slow and shaky breathes. "He-he told me that Annie-" He stopped and looked down as a slow stream of tears starts coming.
"What happened?" I ask and try to transfer some of his anxiety to me and give him my calm.
"Annie is my little sister." He looked up at me. His eyes had no colour, they were just grey.
"Well, isn't that a good thing? I mean, now that you have her?" I force myself to stay positive as I offer this piece of hope. "Yeah; it would be awesome... if she wasn't supposed to be dead."

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