Chapter Thirteen:

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After our little 'chick flick session', Casey walked me back down the long halls and to a large room on the opposite side of the castle. I'd say the whole walk took about 15 minutes. The room we walked in was a bed room. The walls were a calming light blue with purple roses lineing the bottom and sides of the room. Their scent filled the room and gave it a sense of peace. Sitting on a dark blue loveseat, was none other than the King himself. He was watching Annie colour a picture next to the bed that matched the loveseat.
"Ciao, ciao! Welcome to your room my children!" He walked up to us and threw his arms around us. "Ah, you must be exhausted; I give you a quick tour of your room? Or you just wanna go to bed and we talk tomorrow si?" I looked at Casey who just waved him off.
"We'll be fine pops. Can you just take Annie to her room please." He wrapped his arm around my waist. "I'll show Lizzie around this area before we go to bed." He pulled me in a little closer and he kissed the top of my head. His dad watched with a gleam of joy in his eyes; but then I noticed something, the Kings eyes didn't change colour like Casey's did. Maybe it was a trait from his mom? I remembered that Casey never really talked about her, so I wondered what it could have been.
"Wait," I remembered something else,"Annie's not going to be sleeping in here? She's gonna be on her own?" I looked up at Casey but he and his father just stood there giggling.
"No no no. She will soon be a 10 soon. She needs to learn to sleep alone. And you should too." He winked at Casey who just face-palmed in reply.
"Pops, bed. Now!" Casey said and pointed to the door. The King walked up and kissed our cheeks before taking Annie by the hand to another room.
"I don't know how I feel about this." I said not a minute after they left.
"About what love?" He said taking my hand and leading me to a door on the left hand wall of the room.
"About Annie not being in here with us. I don't feel right about letting her just be taken off into an unfamiliar place with people that she doesn't know. I-"
"Feel uncomfortable letting her go." Casey finished. I looked down at the floor. He said it bluntly and it almost hurt to here the truth. "I get it. Trust me I understand. I didn't want to let her go either. But o have her under 24 hour surveillance so if anyone even attempts to hurt her, they will have a whole Mafia of really pissed off demons to deal with." He smiled an opened up the door. It was a bathroom that was the size of my old apartment. It was pure ivory everywhere and it even had a waterfall like shower in the center of the in ground tub. It was absolutely beautiful. But totality cliché for them.
"Amore, close your mouth its just a bathroom and its not even the best one in the castle." His stupidity and arrogance made me want to slap him as hard as I could, but I refrained and just walked over to the dresser.
"Turn around." I said simply. But Casey, being like any other stupid teenage boy, didn't listen and of course had to ask 'why'.
"Because I need to get changed for bed." I said grabbing a baggy T-shirt and a large pair of his sweatpants.
"Um... you are well aware that those are my clothes...right?" The asked and seemed genuinely confused.
"Yes well you forgot to pack all of my clothes so for now we just have to share. Or is that something that they didn't teach you in 'Demon school?' " He smirked at my attempt to be a smartass and rolled his eyes.
"I am accustomed to your 'sharing' concept. I just prefer not to share my things. Especially when I was a kid. I hated sharing my toys." His smirk grew to be more mischievous and this time it was me who rolled my eyes at him.
"Whatever. Can you just turn around or something. In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to get ready for bed." I waved the clothes in his face before he put his hands up in surrender and turned around.
"Alright alright! Its not like I would look anyway." He said crossing his arms across his chest. "Geez, I'm not some pervert who peeks at girls changing. Expescially not some flat chested little brat like you." He barely mumbled it but a quickly finished throwing on the shirt and I whipped around to smack him right in the middle of the back. The sound of the smack was quickly muffled by the sound of Casey yelling.
"WHAT THE HELL LIZZIE!!" He turned around with red eyes and attempted to rub his bright red back.
"Oh don't act like you don't know. I heard what you said and I was deeply offened."
"SO YOU FUCKING SAY THAT! YOU DON'T JUST GO AROUND AND HITTING PEOPLE!" He sat down on the bed and cringed when his back touched the backboard. I walked up and touched his shoulder but when I did I noticed how he flinched.
"Are you okay?" I asked feeling small and meek. He glared at me for a minute before rolling over on his side. Facing away from me. I walked around to the other side of the bed and slid under the covers. But no soon that I did, Casey flipped over and turned his back to me.
I wanted to say I was sorry, but I knew he wouldn't listen to me. If there was one thing I was positive of, there was no reasoning and talking with Casey when he was mad. And right now, he was pissed.
Trying to think about what to say I rolled on my back and closed my eyes. A flash back of what happened with Jason popped into my head. I watched it play through my head, Jason using me as a rag doll. Manipulating me to his needs. I, just being absolutely useless. How am I ever supposed to be a good goddess if I can't even stop one lousy angel from trying to kill me? The answer was simple and clear; I wasn't going to be a good one. I couldn't be one at all.
Then it came to the point where Jason forced me to call Casey into the bathroom. He forced me from the bottom of my heart, to call Casey's name.
For a few moments it made ms wonder if it would work now. I squeezed my eyes tighter and focused as hard as I could.
I felt my head rush. I felt dizzy and felt my body fall against a hard surface.
"What the-" I heard Casey's voice and opened up my eyes. He was standing in a dim lit room that had papers and notebooks and boards everywhere. He stood hovering over me a look of shock on his face.
"Casey, it worked! I focused real hard and i-"
"Lizzie, don't you know where you are?" I looked around the room at the gigantic mess.
"Not actually." I looked up at him as he still looked at me in complete shock.
"Your in my mind!"

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