Chapter Five:

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After a long silence it finally got to the point where I laid down on the bed next to Casey. His hand was still holding on to mine and every time I tried to pull it away, his grip seemed to tighten a little bit. Not enough to hurt, but just enough to let me know that he didn't want to be alone.
I looked up at the ceiling. Glow in the dark stars appeared to hover near the glow in the dark planets. It was a beautiful set up. But the way he arranged it, it seemed to be organized, like it had some kind of purpose. But to me it wasn't clear.
It wasn't until at least 15 minutes had past, that Casey finally decided to start explaining.
"The man who you saw, was an angel. Not an angel of the Lord. You would never see those guys come within one light year of earth. They think of humans as filthy creatures, who killed their precious king. And my dad met that Jesus guy. Said he was pretty cool. And I've even had the 'pleasure' of speaking with some of the higher up arch angels myself. A bunch of arrogant pricks if you ask me. But the guy you saw, one of the worst." He took a long breath and closed his eyes. "His name is Malka. His job is to recover lost souls of angels and the good souls of humans and bring him back to earth. The humans usually have no say in the matter. To them a righteous cause. To me, murder. Plain and simple. His son is Jason. That kid you saw trying to hurt me, that was him."
"What do you mean trying? The dude was kicking your ass and you just took it!" Casey laughed a little bit and shook his head.
"Its fine. Demons have the ability to heal rather quickly. He beat me up cause he thought I was hitting on some mortal girl. I told him I have no intrest in mortals, bit he didn't believe me so he wanted to prove how tough he was. That pussy comment was pretty funny by the way." He faced me and smiled brightly. For some reason it kindda hurt to hear him say he's not interested in mortals. So did that mean I meant nothing to him? More importantly, why the hell did I care!?
"So this Jason guy..." There was a flash of really light green in Casey's now dark green eyes.
"What about him? He's a little boy who is killing to have his fathers job. Literly. Killing mortals." He took his hand from mine and I suddenly really missed the warmth of his hand holding mine.
"So what does this have to do with me?" I looked over at where Ann was sleeping. She looked so peaceful. I was kindda happy that Casey offered to keep the door open so that we could keep an eye on her. I think he was doing it to make me feel more comfortable. But either way I wasn't about to complain.
"Annie is a demon, she's too young to fend on her own, so if I didn't bump into you, she probably would have died. " the way he said it , it made him seem as of he heard of this kind of thing hundreds of times.
"What do you mean she would have died?" I thought about how much baby food I had to get, buying and stealing, before I finally got her to eat just a little bit. I thought for a moment that it could have been my fault. But after all, how was I supposed to know she was a demon?
"You didn't do anything wrong." He said as if reading my mind. "A new born demon baby is almost ensured to die if it is not fed the blood of either a mortal or a supernatural. Its how they nurse. Along with breast feeding, they have to nurse on the blood of another being."
He sat up on the edge of the bed and I did the same.
"So all she needs is blood?" I looked over at my hand and saw the blue and purple veins that were hiding under my skin.
"Essentially yes. But its a bit more complicated than that. She needs to be asleep when you feed her and a demon needs to be singing the Song of Good Blessings. " I stood up and looked over to Ann. What was but a small bit of blood?
"How much do they usually drink?"
"They only need about half a pint to be satisfied. But I think Annie will need at least 2 pints before she get healthy again."
I walked slowly over to Annie's sleeping body. Cradeling her in my arms I picked her up and brought her to Casey's room.
"Get me a knife." I didn't look at him. I just sat with Ann in my arms. She was still sleeping.
"What?! No! Its too much responsibility for a mortal to take on. I'll do it before I let you sacrifice yourself like that for my kind!" His eyes were light green with pink and black dancing around within them. On the bedside.table was a little knife about 5 inches long. I grabbed it and quickly slit the side of my hand. "WHAT THE FUCK LIZZIE" He looked at me with only pink in his green eyes as I slowly put my bleeding hand on the edge of Annie's mouth. I feel her start taking my blood and I watched as a light pink colour returned to her cheeks. Casey jumped up onto his bed and started walking back and forth.
About 15 minutes later I finally finished feeding Annie and I returned her to the couch. I walked back into Casey's room and he jumped down from on his bed, eyes red, pink, and black.
"Don't you EVER just pull a knife and cut yourself like that again!" I felt my body swaying. Feeding Annie took alot out of me and I began to feel light headed and fatiqued instantly.
"I had to feed. Annie." I leaned against the door frame and my eye lids were getting heavier by the second.
"Ah shit!" Casey mumbled under his breath and slowly walked up to me. "Have you ever given blood before?" I was so exaushted that I could only slightly shake my head in response. I heard Casey sigh and I felt his familiar warmth against my skin. He had picked me up and was carrying me over to the bed. I felt the soft sheets and he moved his arms from beneath my practically crippeled body.
"I'll be right back okay?" He was done for but a few seconds and he returned with some water. "Can you sit up?" He asked. I forced my body to lean up against the backboard and I was barely slouching. A sigh escaped me and Casey helped me sit up the rest of the way.
"Thanks." I mumbled though barely audible and took the glass from him and slowly began sipping the water. I wouldn't, no, I couldn't look at him. I figured out that the black in his eyes meant sadness and the red was anger. I could tell he was pissed at me. But I needed to help Annie. She was the most important thing in my life, and I was not about to let anything take that away.
The bed creaked a little when he climbed over and laid next to me. I still couldn't look at him.
"Why won't you look at me?" He easily read through my defense and attacked directly. "Are you trying to avoid me?"
" I'm not trying to avoid you." I said. My voice was quiter than normal and I felt extremely shy due to my tiredness.
" Then why won't you look at me?" He moved his hand up to my face and turned it lightly to face him. "Does me being a demon bother you so much that you can't even stand to look at me?" His eyes were pure black. Not even the normal whites of his eyes were there anymore. Just the black.
I reached out and placed my hand over his. A tear strolled down on my cheek. Why the hell and I getting so emotional?
"I could never hate you. You saved Annie's life thus saving me. For that I am for ever in debt to you."
We sat there for a minute just looking at each other. Then he got up and started to get off the edge of the bed. The thought of being alone scared me; I just found out that angels and demons were real, I gave some blood to a demon baby, everything I knew was not how the world really was. I reached and grabbed his arm.
"Where are you going?"
"Well just like infants, all demons need to feed on blood."
"Like vampires or something?"
"No that's an insult. Vampires and those kind of human made freaks are myth. Or they are based on a witnessing of what some one saw a demon/angel doing. Sorry to inform you, but its just angels demons and humans in the world. Nothing much else."
"But why do you need to feed?"
"Because of the same reasons as humans. Blood has nutrients that we can't get from eating normal food. Plus being a demon, there is a lot of things that we can't eat. Leaving us no choice but to drink blood one a week to remain healthy."
"So how often do you need have it?"
"Like once a week. I try to go as long as I can without it but, I can only go a month with out getting sick."
"When was the last time you fed?"
"About 3 weeks ago." I looked at him for a few seconds.
"How much blood do older demons take?"
"About a half a pint. It really depends on the demon and how closely related he is to the 7. But that's for another day." He kept moving until he was fully off the bed. I grabbed his arm again.
"Ill do it." I told him. He looked at me as is I were the strange one and sat on the edge of the bed. He seemed to know that the argument would take a while.
"Do what?" His eyes went back to normal green except for the few spots of pink that were towards his pupils.
"Let me give you blood."
"Are you fucking out of your mind? You just almost passed your ass out because you let Annie feed off of you! Now you want me to? No FUCKING way!" He glared at me his eyes didn't fully turn red this time be they were rather pink.
"Please, I want you to. Its the least I can do." I moved my hair to one side of my neck and waited for him to come over and start. "Unless you want me to take a knife and do it myself I suggest that you just do it already." Casey reluctantly leaned over and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I am so sorry for this. I never meant for any of this to happen."
"Casey, its fine. In fact I insist."
"This will be the only time I will feed from you. Its too dangerous, and I don't want to hurt you."
"Casey, I'll be fine just do it." I felt his breath down the back of my neck as he reached over and grabbed the knife off the table.
" I'm only taking a little bit, and I'll try to make it not hurt so much." He brushed a little bit of my hair away and I felt the cold metal blade run across the top of my shoulder. The pain of being cut didn't really hurt. I mean it stung like hell, but not so much as hurt. It was like getting a paper cut in between your fingers. But other than that nothing. No pain.
I felt the heat of Casey's mouth as he began to feed. It was so much different than feedind Ann. She suckled a little bit and he just let the blood came out. With her, I felt my life source being taken, with him it felt more natural and human like. I didn't know how much I was bleeding, but it was 3 minutes before I started to feel hazy again.
Casey stopped immediately and held me in his arms.
"Are you okay? Did I take too much?"
"No no, you're fine." I started drifting again like before. With him, there was an after effect. I wasn't as exhausted, but pretty damn close.
"Are you okay?"
"I said I'm fine just a little tired is all."
He laid me down again and laid back down next to me.
"You are one weird chick Elizabeth Heights."
"So are you Casey Matthews." He leaned in closer and closer. I could feel his warmth but he was still inches away. He moved in and I kindda leaned in too. He wrapped an arm around me and our lips met, for the very first time.
But would it be the final?

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