Chapter Fourteen:

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"What do you mean I'm in your mind?" I asked Casey while looking all around me.
"Just what I said. You are in, as in actually in, my conscious!" He furrowed his brows and started packing back and forth. "How did you do this? Are you feeling OK? Do you feel like your getting stronger?" He looked at me while pacing and shook his head.
"I feel- as if I'm dreaming. Like none of it is real." I answer and pick up a an older woman. She had blonde hair and purple eyes. Based on her hair and attire, I would have guessed that she was about 20 and during WWI. She was very pretty and there was something about her that seemed familiar.
"Don't look at that." Casey said taking the picture and placing it on top of a stack if papers. "How did you get in here?" He seemed agitated and his eyes were turning redder by the second.
"I just closed my eyes and I tried to do that talking thing. Like with what happened with Jason. How he made me talk to you with my mind. I just wanted to say that I was sorry." I felt hot tears forming and I quickly shut them up. There is not enough time in life for tears. And I refused to waste time now.
Casey's eyes began glowing with anger.
"Dammit Elizabeth! This is what I'm talking about! YOU NEVER THINK! You would THINK that a NORMAL person would just say what they want to say. BUT NOT YOU! YOU ALWAYS TAKE EVERYTHING TOO FAR! YOU WANTED TO SAY SKRRY? WHY THE FUCK JUST NOT SAY IT?"
Him saying that completely ruined me being nice.
"How about because I knew that you were already pissed off. You never listen when your pissed off so why would I even attempt to talk to you?!" "Oh bullshit! You could have said it if you wanted to!"
"Oh so now we are blaming things on me?" He gave a smug look and I wanted to do nothing more than to smack it right off of him.
"I didn't blame jack diddily shit on you ever. So no, I'm not blaming it on you. I get if I messed up. I get I'm not perfect. But neither are you. I came here to apologize, I never meant to come into your conscious. And I really am sorry about this. But I will not, sit here and have you be a-a-a dick, when it was only an accident."
The tears started and I knew that they would be hard to stop. I felt like a complete idiot. I should have known that no could could have cone from this. With the tears came anger and I feltit overwhelming me. Casey's eyes immediately changed back to normal green.
"Hey Liz, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Let's just-" he reached his arm towards me and backed away. As much as I love his warm touch, i couldn't stand him at that moment.
"No. Fuck you. Don't touch me. In fact never touch me again!" I closed my eyes and focused really hard. Within seconds I was back in bed with Casey. I heard him take a deep breath in as if he too had come back. I immediately got out of the bed and grabbed my pillow and brought it over to the loveseat. I was too pissed off right then to even be near him. I knew that it was probably the wrong thing to do, I should have stayed and talked it out with him. But I couldn't. All I kept seeing was him freaking out when I got there. Him yelling and screaming. Then his reaction when I found that picture. It almost felt... as if he were hiding something from me. And that majourly pissed me off.

Morning came and I woke up feeling guilty. I got up and a blanket fell off of me. I never remembered putting a blanket on. Especially one that big. I looked over at the bed and it was just covered in a sheet. Casey must have done this. The knot in my stomachs was begging me to go find him and apologize; but the hurt in my heart told me 'hell no'.
Getting dressed and brushing my hair, there came a knock on the door. I opened it to find a tall man about the age of 60 was holding a bouquet of white and black roses.
"Mister Casey has requested that you were given these flowers. He said he apologizes for not being able to accompany you, but he had some business to take care of before he come back." The mab handed me the roses and left. I took them to put water in them and a little folded slip of paper fell out of it. I picked it up and read what it said:

My lovely Elizabeth,
I am really sorry about what happened last night. I never meant to hurt you. But you were right. I was acting like a complete dick head and you should have never been treated like that. I do not have the right to touch you with how I behaved. Seeing you so mad made me realize that I'm probably not the best person for you to wake up in the morning to. You deserve someone who can treat with respect and without anger. I didn't treat you like that last night; and I can't promise that I won't do it again. I love you Elizabeth Heights, thats why it was only best that I leave you. But don't worry, I have arranged that you stay there for as long as you need. I will be back in one weeks time to see if you can ever find it in your heart to forgive me. I know that I will never forgive myself. All I ask is that if you do decide to leave, please tell Annie that it was my fault. I would much rather have her be mad at me thatn to have her be mad with you.
With all the love that I possibly possoses. I say that you are my love my life, and you were to be my wife. I hope one day you will,
I cried as I read the letter. I sat on the bed contemplating what to do next. How could I do this? How can I do anything without him? I thought to myself. I figured that I has to go find him. I had to tell him that I was sorry, and tell him how much he meant to me. But just as I made my mind up, Annie walked into my bed room.
"Mommy, where's daddy?" She rubbed her eyes and climbed up on the bed. "Imma 8 today mommy. But where's daddy? Isn't he here?" She looked at me for an answer and I sat there crying.
"Daddy went on a short trip baby. He'll be back next week okay?" I held her in my arms trying to convince myself of my words. Trying to convince myself that everything would really be okay.

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