Chapter Nine:

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The blood seemed to be less intense than before. I was laying on something hard. Like an operation table. I still couldn't move anything. All around me was cold. Not the cold if snow, or ice. No. This was the cold of something pure evil. The only warmth I feel is the blood that I keep losing from my body. That, and the blood of those around me. I can feel that someone else is there, but I am still unable to turn my head to see who. There is a loud crash and my body forces itself up. I turn my head to see whose there. I see the outline of a body. Its flesh is torn, cut, sliced, in certain places bones can be seen. Blood is everywhere. Its both dried and fresh. The mutilated body's head was faced away from me. But I could tell he wore no shirt from the amount of wounds and bruises. I will my body off the table and walk over to him. I just wanted to get a glimpse of his face; but as soon as I get close enough to see, a wave of cold causes me to fall back to the blood covered floor. As I hit my head on the freezing concrete, I saw as the body leaned over the side. The face was so mutilated. I could just barely make out who it was. Then I completely recognized him.

Then... the light.

I woke up in a warm room with sterile air surrounding me. I looked around and a nurse was checking me vital signs.
"Doctor, she's finally waking up." The Asian looking middle aged woman sounded calm and collected. Her skin was cold to the touch but her smiling face seemed to radiate hope. It reminded me of my mothers, and I had the sudden urge to see her. But then again, I had too many things to do before I would get that chance. You would think that after 11 years that realization would have already settled in. She was dead. She wasn't coming back. There was only one way to see her. But I love two people too much to just leave them now. Not yet.
A tall Indian doctor walked up to my bed and smiled brightly.
"So, the little angel is finally returning to us? You gave us quite a scare young lady." He jokingly shook his finger at me and I noticed his peculiar British accent.
"I'm sorry. How long was I out?" The doctor looked at the nurse who hurriedly walked out of the room.
"You came in and were already out cold. You were down in the ER and you," he paused. His voice seemed to trail off and he took a deep breath in. "Elizabeth you died. You had lost so much blood. Whom ever attacked you cut you right across three of the majour veins in your throat. 2 inches across in fact. And pretty deep I might add. You, were covered in blood. Unlike anything we've ever seen here. We were in the process of coming down to see you and a nurse came down and told us we were too late." He stopped as if waiting for me to let it sink in. I died? But how?
I looked up at the doctor.
"What happened? Why- how did you save me?" Anxiety built up in my chest. My heart was beating so loud, I was pretty sure that Dr. Karr, as his name plate said could even hear it.
Dr. Karr smiled.
"Actually if it wasn't for this young man, we might have given up hope." He pulled back the green curtain and a sleeping Casey with Annie on his chest laid on the couch. "You know he cares about you a lot. Refused to leave your side. Hell, he wouldnt even let us change you out of your regular clothes. Insisted that we were not aloud to do anything with out his knowledge. He only left once for about two hours but then we ended up giving him some of your sedidives to calm him down. First time I've seen him sleep." I watched his sleeping face. His hair was a mess and his clothes were a deep purple colour; I assumed it was from all of the blood.
"How long has he been here?" I asked.
"Oh, same as you. About a week." Dr.Karr said it as if it was nothing. But he was starting at Casey with a look of curiosity and just a little hint of fear.
Casey shifted a bit and Dr.Karr took a step back towards the door. "Lizzie, I'm going to check on your blood work. You call Nurse May if anything happens if if you need anything Okay?! He left and seemed rather rushed. But part of what he said stayed in my head: "he only left once".
About 2 minutes after Dr. Karr left, Casey woke up. I watched as he carefully picked Annie up and laid her back down on the couch. Then he turned, he must have been expecting me to be asleep still, because his eyes widened when he saw me. Tears flooded them. He ran over to my bedside and fell on his knees.
"You're awake?" His voice cracked and he kept wiping away the tears in his eyes.
"Yes. I came back. And I'm alive because of you." I offered a smile and he took it and threw one back. He leaned up and kissed my forehead. Hr kept his head there and began speaking something barely audible. " what? " I asked thinking maybe I'm going deaf.
"I'm thanking whatever angel saved you by giving God my prayers." He kept praying before looking down at me. "When they told me you died, I lost it." He wiped away more tears and lightly brushed away a few strands of my hair from my face. "Lizzie, I don't want to lose you. I can't. I-lizzie- I love you too much to even imagine what my life would even be like without you." He dipped his head down and kissed me. It was short but sweet and full of passion. When his face lifted back up, his eyes were pink. Glowing pink. That's what it stands for: pink is passion.
Casey helped my sit up before getting back down on his knees.
"Lizzie, you know that I'm serious about not being able to lose you right?" His hand was shaking and I think it was pretty obvious that he was freaking out on the inside.
"Yes. And didn't you just tell me not two minutes ago? Or was I still dreaming?" I said jokingly. He smiled and reached underneath the hospital bed.
"Well, if I told you that I need you to keep my heart beating,"
"Id say that's a lie cause your heart doesn't beat." We both smiled.
"Ok, well then what if I told you that I need you in my life, forever and what ever comes after?" His face turned serious and he sounded sincere.
"I would tell you that eternity isn't long enough." His faced lit up and his eyes glowed brighter.
"And if you actually got that oppertunity?" A smudge of purple appeared and melted into the pink.
I looked at him and took a short breath.
"If I got that oppertunity, I would grab on to it with both hands; and I would never let go."
"No matter what?" He smiled.
"No matter what." I smiled back and he kissed me a kiss that sent shots of lightning running through my blood.
He sat on the edge of my bed and pulled a folded up paper out of his pocket.
"So, I never thought that I would ever actually be giving someone this." He opened up the paper and something landed on the bed. He picked it up and brought it close to my left hand. "Now, if you will have me, if you will give up your previous life and everything you ever knew, I think my mother would have loved you to have this." He slipped the polished piece of silver onto my finger. "A perfect fit."
The ring was beautiful. If I had to guess, it had about 3 karrot worth of black diamonds and one red diamond in the center. It appeared to be silver but according to Casey it was white gold. I looked up at him in shock and he just sat there and smiled at me.
"Casey... i- where- how did you afford this?!" I studdered because of my nervousness.
" It was my mothers. The black stones may appear as diamonds, but they are the tears of the arch angels. And that one in the middle is the tear of very first demon of wrath. Its considered a ring of good fortune in my family. But only a woman fit to be the queen of our kingdom has ever been able to wear that ring without being in tremendous pain." He glanced at the ring but then looked back at me. "Are you in any pain?"
I smiled and looked back at him.
"No. I'm fine." I looked at the still sleeping Annie. "And I will be as I'm always yours." Casey took my hand in his and kissed each of my fingertips.
"Now, you forever will be." He kissed me long and pastionate. "Mine."

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