Chapter Eleven:

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The gate in front of the castle alone was huge. Never mind the actual castle and driveway to said castle themselves. The drive had to be at least 2 miles long. But it shrunk in comparison to the huge 15 story castle, complete with 3 tall towers. One of which had been taller than the others and it seemed to mock the others in its glory.
Two guys about the age of 65 were standing outside of the castle door. When we got out they smirked at each other before looking back at us. Casey grabbed our two back packs from the trunk and handed them to me.
"Stay here until I give the okay." His face was stern and serious. I had the feeling that he doubted that we might be welcomed, but that didn't seem to stop him nonetheless.
"No." I said borrowing some of his courage. "We are a family. If we are going to do this, its going to happen together." I looked over his shoulder to see the two men practically waiting for us. "Besides, I've had to pee for the last 3 hours and I'm starting to get a little passed off about it. I don't think those neandrathals are going to want to mess with me right now." Annie giggled a bit before grabbing my hand and looking up at me.
"Mommy what's a neandrathal?" Her innocence made me laugh and Casey answered for me.
"Its basically smart people talk for big fat stupid heads." He whispered as we approached said 'stupid heads'. They had looked mean from far away, but upon closer inspection, they were nothing more than a bunch of wrinkly old bums who clearly haven't showered in 8 weeks. They were dressed in old mobster clothing complete with black and red Fedoras.
We walked up to the men and Casey, walked with confidence.
"Who is you?" Said the man standing on the right. He opened up his jacket slightly so that Casey and u could see the .22 in his belt.
"Look we don't want any trouble." I said and moved Annie behind me. The two geezers looked at each other as if my argument wasn't convincing enough. Casey took a step forward.
"Its cool guys. Its me. Casey." The two men looked at each other again and looked back at us.
"We don't know no 'Casey'". This time it was the dude on the left. It troubled me to hear his much higher voice. It was really pitchy and almost mucussy. Kind of like if Alicia Keys got a sinus infection and had to sing.
At that moment Casey grabbed my hand and showed them the ring. At the same time he pulled a chain necklace from his project and showed it to them as well. The moment they saw it their eyes widened and they both stepped down.
"P-prince Casey! Why didn't you just say it was yous?" The guy on tgw left gave us a nervous smile and pressed a small teal button on the side of the building. " Yo, JD, open up the door and go alarm the King. His son has returned!" A loud click sounded moments later and we were ushered inside after a few more apologys. On the way in Annie turned to me and looked up at the men.
"You were right daddy. They really are neon-drea-thouls."
The entrance, just like the rest if the castle, was huge. In the front as soon as you walked in there was a gigantic staircase that divided to wings of the castle. There were more 1920's gangster guards standing at the entrance and at the top and bottom of the stairs. A man, appearing to be in his mid 30's came down the stairs at a slow pace but anticipation dripped off his face worse than a brides maid looking over the dress that the bride picked out.
"My son! Me figlio!" The man said while he opened up his arms and walked towards Casey. They embraced and laughed a bit.
"Papa, I'm not a little boy anymore. I have a fiancée and a daughter now." He looked upon his father with admiration but also as if he desired to please him.
"Oh? So me figlio is now maschio?" He asked looking questionably at Case.
"Si papa." He said in reply.there was a long pause before the man turned his attention to me and Annie.
"So; your my nuora, and dis must be me bellisima nipote!" He looked down at Annie and squared down next to her. " You know me?" Annie looked at him before running into his embrace.
I looked over at Case who was shaking his head. Under his breath he mumbled something in Italian: "Cosa diavolo."
Case walked over and put his arm around me.
"You didn't tell me she spoke Italian." I whispered.
"Yeah. Its kindda hardwired into every demon if wrath. The children are born with the knowledge of the world and since the first Demon of wrath was Italian, that is the language of preference."
"What do you mean ' hardwired with a knowledge of the world?'"
"Basically it means that as a child they know everything that humans get taught in 1st through 5th grade. Plus Italian. It eliminates the need for us to send small children to school and then the only schooling that actually need is a 2 year course of how to be an adult when they turn 13. By age 15 they are practically indepent. They will have learned everything that they can be taught and they go out into the world to figure out life on their own. Parent give their kids about $3 million for starters so that they can take care of themselves. Its pretty laid back really. Even school. Three days a week for 5 hours plus nap time." He smiled as he watched Annie and her grandfather play patty cake together.
"So being a demon is pretty great huh?" I said watching Annie.
"Yeah. I guess. Even the government is pretty chill. Its like a human tyranny, but the rulers have no choice and they just try to find ways to make life easier for the rest of us." Casey's dad walked over to us with Annie in his arms. He extended his hand and gave me a nice smile.
"Scussi. Annie just explained everything to me. I am so happy you will be joining our family and you are more than safe here." I shook his hand and behaved cordidally. It wasn't hard. I actually kind of liked the guy. But there was just something off about him. About the way he looked at me. It made me somewhat nervous, but I tried to put up a brave front.
I looked over at Annie who wore the biggest smile in history. This is what I'm fighting for. I kept telling myself that it would all be worth it once we figured out what this douche bag angel wanted. So till then, just gotta deal with the weird old Italian guy.
Annie tiptoed over to me and tried to whisper to me. I only had to bend over a little bit because of her increased height.
"Mommy, do you think that I still need to feed tonight?" Her eyes had sort of an innocent sparkle to them. I could tell that she wanted and needed to be fed. But to be honest, I wasn't really feeling ready to be giving her my life force.
"Okay sweetie. Tonight before I tuck you in I'll give you some." I smiled weakly and Casey gave me a concerned look. "You should feed tonight too. You both haven't eaten since I went to the hospital." I looked at him start to shake his head when his father spoke up.
"No no no no no. Not in my house! We have servants for dis. I will not let you feed off did girl. And since she will be you moglie, you cannot take her life force like dis." He scolded mainly Casey but I felt the weight of his reprimand as well.
"Alright well its almost 5:30 so should we go to the hall?" Casey said shrugging his shoulders.
"Si si. I will call the servants." They both started walking down one of the long corridors and Annie was hesitant to follow.
"Actually, it really is fine. I-i really don't mind feeding them. Annie doesn't take as much as she used to and Casey never takes more than a pint." Casey's dad whipped around to face me. I heard a few scattered gasps from a few of the nearby servants. I guessed it was before I talked back to the king. And by Casey's light chuckling, I guessed I was right. One of the servants was walking by Casey and broke the absolute silence that was going.
"Wow, your fiancée is really gutsy for a mortal."
Casey's dad kept his gaze raining down upon me as he spoke.
"Well maybe it has to do with the fact that she's not mortal."

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