Chapter Twenty:

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I walked into the hospital and memories flooded my head. I know this place. I looked everywhere, from the walls to the floors. It all looked so familiar.
I felt drawn to a specific room from the second I walked in, and made my way there immediately.
Upon entering I heard three voices. Jason, Malka, and my little Annie. I heard the sound of someone being slapped, and I burst in the door thinking it was Ann.
But to my surprise, it was Jason who was laying on the floor in tears in front of his father. He saw me and stood up quietly. Malka flicked his wrist and Jason, held up a blade to Ann's throat. He wouldn't look me in the eye, and I saw the tears still steeaming down his face.
"Hello Elizabeth. Ive been waiting a very long time to see you. How grown up you've become." Malka smiled and opened his arms for a hug.
"Let's skip the opening and get to the main act, shall we?. Give me Ann." I took a ready stance as Malka laughed.
"Do you really think, that you can just waltz up in here, and I'm going to just give her to you? I didn't think that you were really that stupid!" He laughed and I looked at Annie's pained face.
"Fine. Let's make a deal. Me for her."
"Humm.. let me"
"Look, I'm fully mock goddess now! I promise that I'll stay as long as you let me take her home first."
"The answer is still no." He began to walk towards Annie. I panicked.
"I'll tell you how to kill a mock god if you let her go!" My words sparked his interest and he turned back around.
"Oh? And what makes you think I'll believe you?" I took a deep breathe in.
"Because as soon as I leave her safely away, I'll come back and you can try it first hand for yourself." He gave a cruel smile and flicked his wrist again.
"Anne, darling, go with your step mother. Jason follow them. If they try anything funny, kill Anne first. And then drag Elizabeth back by her hair."
"Yes father." Jason dropped the knife and grabbed Annie by the wrist. "Let's go."
As we got out, he let us stop and I picked up Anne.
"Mommy are you really going to die?" She was crying now more than before. I couldn't stand it. I lightly stroked her forehead once and she fell gentely to sleep.
Jason watched with a certain sad look in his eyes. He didn't seem, normal. Well normal for him at least.
We began flying to the castle. Jason had his wings and I found I could do it almost effortlessly.
"I wouldn't have hurt your daughter." He said at almost a whisper.
"I had the chance to kill Annie years ago. Her mother was my girl, until she cheated on me with Casey. We were betrothed. And when I found out that she and my half know...I lost it. But I didn't know she
had a child when I killed her. But after I found her, I felt disgraced. I hid her behind the couch so that Casey could find her later. As for her whore mother, I personally healed her wounds. She took off before Casey got home and I made a decoy of her body using a part of her spritit. I knew he would never forgive me."
"Then why did you attack has at the diner?"
"Well for one, I was acting off of the orders of Malka. He was there seeing if I could prove myself to him. And then I saw that Casey had hurt you. I wanted him to feel pain, and learn from his mistakes." We flew for a few moments in silence.
"Why are you helping us now?"
"I don't want to end up like my father. I won't. I was assigned Annie's guardian Angel, and I will perfect her. No matter what it takes."
"I didn't know demons could have guardian angels."
"They can. But it has to be a very special and powerful one. One specifically chosen by the Almighty himself." He smiled a little bit and we saw the top of the castle.
I could feel Casey's worriedness and sorrow from the miles away we still were. I picked up my pace and withing minutes we were standing outside the castle gates. I opened them up and Jason didn't follow.
"Come on." I said trying to hurry him.
"I'm not welcome here." He said. He rubbed his arm and a part of his sleeve came up.
"What's this?" I walked over and lifted up his sleeve. "Why is Annie's name on your arm?" It appeared to be a tattoo, but it also reminded me of the mark the Casey gave me.
"Gaurdain angels of only get one assignment at a time until it dies. The name if the assignment is engraved in skin and bone. It is excusiatingly painful, but well worth it." He stared at Annie and smiled.
Suddenly Casey ran outside and stopped a few feet away.
"You bastard! You had my daughter this whole time?!" He began to walk foreword but stopped as soon as he realized that I had returned as well. I looked. Fear was still deeply rooted in his heart.
I slowly walked towards him, and he took a step away. Appauled I slowly laid Annie down on the ground anf spoke.
"Don't hurt Jason. He is Annie's guardian angel and he has agreed to do her no harm. He will not hurt anyone unless they try to hurt Anne. He will be back shortly." I got up to leave before Casey could see the tears forming in my eyes.
"What about you?"
I froze. How do you tell tjs one you love, the one you adore, the one who you can't live without, that you can no longer see them? That you are about to die? I tried to will away my tears but there were too many of them. I couldn't even turn to look at him.
"Casey, underneath our bed are two packages. Its for you and Annie." And with that I forced myself away. Back to the front of the hospital. Jason arrived soon after me.
"Are you okay?" He asked awkwordly. It was easy to see that he wasn't used to this kind of politeness.
"Yes. I just need a small favour." I said wiping my tears. He nodded.
"Of course. Anything." I handed him a slip of paper.
"This is a spell that only an angel or a god can cast. When I get inside, you have to cast it on the building. It will trap both me and Malka in there for the rest of eternity. That is the only way they can be safe."
"But how will you get out then?"
"I won't." I said. I closed my eyes and allowed one more tear to fall before hugging Jason and walking into the hospital. I stopped and watched him cast the spell on the hospital. Then I saw as a red drop of blood formed at the corner of his eye, and I realized he was crying.
I turned around and began walking over to the surgery rooms. I didn't know why I was walking there, but as I walked in there Malka along with decades old torture devices were waiting. I willingly laid down on the surgery table and suddenly everything clicked. My dreams. They were visions sent from someone to warn me about this. Someone else knew about my fate. But who? Images of my mother danced through head but were interupted by my own screams as Malka sliced open my arm causing an enormous amount of blood to flow out.
"I thought you were going to kill me?!" My words seemed inaudible through my gritted teeth.
"Oh love, I didn't think you were that stupid." He laughed and started stabbing my legs with a hot poker. The smell of burn flesh entered the room and i let out another scream eith tears streaming down my face.He only pulled them out right before I lost consciousness. My last thoughts being of those who I loved, those who have now lost and knowing that my torture had just begun.

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