Everything's written down

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Etiam Sit Amet Est Donec Maecenas Adipiscing

Neither here nor anywhere on this globe yet, standing on the shoulders of the giants with a pen in hand, the typical figure of a Course man - of Course, might be seen in such a frantic where about. Briskly strutting through the people and, in the most precious time of all, far away from everybody else, we keep running. Because it is Arts thy make the world go around. Our own business protects the importance of being idle, albeit aiming higher.
  Always on the verge of escaping the perimetered borders of the island, the population of the country dwells deep still safe in houses far from each others' homes. Nevertheless, a strong sense of cohesion amongst the proximity of the neighbourwoods creates a peculiar metropolitan city sprawling. One country-house-hold next to another makes up one country.
  The uppermost proof of the correlation between the country literary legacy and the supposedly depth of thought throughout citizenship is axiomatic for the traditional written heritage. Customs of communications, hence, relationships amongst the realm of interactions occur, nonetheless, mostly in written forms. Small yet beautiful, authors bundled and mingled over time, attracted by the island's landscape and inner values. Peace of mind well over matter and soul, plenty of world-acclaimed writers manufactured some of their best works-of-art during times under the sun beneath the seduction of intimacy. Let it flow.
Yet it moves. Every second is better than the first. The strong legacy with literature dates back at the early written tectonic swirly-cuddly heritage, over time since the Bronze Age. Therefore, it is impossible to recall the thousands of facts and figures, characters and depth-episodes and discourses of course. Needles to say, however the depth of literacy, this text hopes to provide an account on what certain mile-stones meant for the formation of the multi-dimensional approach rather than focusing on analysis on dotting and punctuation. After all, whatever manufactured throughout history embraced different genres of art altogether.

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