Fight and faith

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As an early account of the political spectrum envisaged through-out the political arena, also assembled in what is nowadays an argumentative legislative power, there is the Liberal Party, which best says grapes are trodden until all the juice is expressed. In the Liberal sense that each human being must be free to pursue his or her own goal, as far as the result of actions will not be of any annoyance to another person (strictly speaking, the whole community.)
While ascending the value ladder in the chase of the cock-tail of a preposterous language, shiny happy people going around in circle follow deep convictions in trust and faith. The bad dread-ful thing about this Universe and its decision making, with-out prying too much about it, every relationship cannot be relate-able to shred any sort of tensions. Call them mis-understandings, idiosyncrasies, chaos or whatever there is no other way but working it out in order to make things run smoothly towards pleasurr derived from beauty and lust.

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