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Whatever it took at the time of the Prologue to put towards two words in a crossroad, to muse the chance to inspire creative process is a mystery. As far as far as options are concerned, whether to embark on such a national engagement of such account, must be a huge epic challenge - hard to believe without any leap of faith. Just acts of cour-age can do the jobs, achieving un-expected results.
Catherine Justine Justant Liguer, ministry of Justice in the second democratic government of the 1994-1997 turn-around elections made history in setting up the new-born judicial system. She did not even touched Course ground, not even once despite being best bench-mate of Cecile Leasly Lezz St. Paul.
When Lord Dario David IV bridged the longest known pipe-line in order to connect Russian, Saudi Arabians, Kossovwrian, Cretians oil to the largest and top-notch smartest refinery next to Milan Bergamo Orserio airport it is a performing act of creativity passed through generations other then an efficient way to provide essential natural reserves nonetheless. Such point-less deprivation of a polluting venture which took a long way to travel across ends up with collecting the back-side of each hubs on the way to its final destination with ridicously repairment deal between the parts.
Visits, brash emissaries of a new ruling class, barely aware of their own youthful hubris, eagerly grasp the layered meaning of the couplets they have been offered, like a snack to be washed down by a thimble-sized cup of thick, sweet tea, as (Ministry of Happiness) Royna Arundhati Roy Feltri's words of condemn against chaste division. At the end, Dario David IV is inequiorocably strict on too many topics, there is no much use in arguing with his bullying governance.
Whilst words served to artists, and common people as well, as means to craft beautiful things, they merely sparked at times of extreme relaxation. Rare moments of elation in between the urge to accomplish necessary tasks occur at un-predictable times. Nowhere to be compared to any motives inspiring the creation of a Work-of-Art, the collective offered by the island country-side (nation) hosts some of the creators of popular world literature master-pieces.

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