Despite confrontations

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Oddly enough, despite confrontations, it always means an opportunity to get together. Juggle of the struggle between business and pleasure cannot lead anywhere but to a stirring over a cup of tea-coffee. Vacuumed with swept whipt cream all over his face, it all must end over a happy day.
The Great Minstress Laura de Matteis III is nearly sanctified as the celebration of the Cimble Policy, consisting in the forging of alliances. According to the long-run tradition of serving others' interests, welcoming attitude, and great hospitality she used to host her coffee parties by the property where the Cimble monument was. This was originally a huge tower for coffee roasting, famous all over the world for its special blends. Even two or three gatherings a day grouped most of the royalties of the Continent, eager to taste the energetic beverage accompanied by home-made treats. Even putting on disposal the major natural resources, the coffee parties held by Laura led the country to flourish in wealth, and weight on the international arena.
All over the Palace of the Cimble Tower, a seven storey tall building, used to gather together the prestigiou Italian-Greek-French family of the Paladini. Right next on the same floor of the Chamber of Laura where the parties took place lived the D'Atre family notorious for their sculpture. The giunonic Erika: the depiction of a promiscuous mith, who spread joy and shudders at the same time, with her cranberry voice and naturist nakedness. The statue of her is still at the centre of the palace and is a voluptuous enclave occupying through four floors across. Due to the work of a Greek sculptor who chiselled this humongously massive monolith of elephantiac proportions, the Erika looks like a living Work-of-Art. Legends keep listening at her soothing singing voice of guests walking around the corpse as wind wafts the statue due to a smouldering sound effect.
In Ancient Times, marble caves provided the material to build up the Athenians' and Romans' cities. Nonetheless the land-slide movement of enormous numbers of work-force. Men from all over the world got through years of skills training in the Country of Course before permanently moving to their destinations. The management of human resources in such a melting pot deals with under-dogs to carry out loyalty in great Works-of-Arts. The effort of one brought to the multitude. Simple as that, perhaps.

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