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CHAPTER 1 < no such thing as safety > • no episode • ___________________
SHE LOVED THE TREES, the familiar uncomfortable surface reminded her of a life before the world went to shit, a life that wasn't particularly enjoyable.. but a life she'd become more than used to, but a life she's never accept as her own.
As the moans and groans of the geeks grew closer, she peered down from her spot in the tree, noting roughly a dozen geeks stumbling through the woods beneath her.
She could've, would've sworn that she'd never ever get used to the smell of their rotting flesh or the way that their decaying teeth snapped open and shut, searching for even a single drop of blood but she couldn't help but wonder if it would just be better for her to join them. The brunette had practically spent the entirety of her life alone, before and after the outbreak The truth was that Spencer Blake didn't know what she was living for anymore.
What's the point of living a life of pure misery and suffering?
What's the point of being in a world where your the outcast?
What's the point of fighting for nobody but yourself?
Whats the point?
She began to stare of into the distance feeling beyond sorry for herself, lost in her own jungle of a mind but she was quickly pulled out of her daydream as a single shout echoed through the woods, sending a wave of chills up her body.
She heard the unfamiliar, gruff voice of what she reckoned as a man shouting out, her primal instinct kicked in immediately, her dainty fingers wrapped around the firm handle of her hunting knife, providing whatever little comfort she could find.
Unsure of where the voice came from, she shrunk herself as small as possible, barely peering over the edge in hopes of seeing the threat, but also hoping that they hadn't seen her.
Perhaps they were 'claiming' something or someone else, whatever the fuck that meant.
A person? What the fuck.
How? Well of course she knew how, the birds and the bees and all, but she hadn't seen even a flicker of life in months.
Alone. That's what she'd grown to accept, what she's grown used too. She's been out here fending for herself, learning the ways of the new world and her new life, and just as she begun to adapt to it, someone shows up.
That was her only thought as her green eyes were met with a sinister dark pair of eyes, promising nothing but trouble and suffering.
There stood a broad man. He looked almost pleased with himself.
Pleased? what could a man like him be pleased about.