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CHAPTER 2 < search for humanity > • no episode • ___________________
SHE YELLED IN AGONY at the feeling of a man's fist connecting with her cheek once again, the sound of her flesh being cut and bruised from the sheer force he used in his punches as well as the multiple rusted rings he wore.
"you fucking psycho bitch!" Len snapped yet again.
She saw no way out. No escape. All she wanted was the earth beneath her to swallow her whole.. for the earth to help her leave this never ending suffering. She had a shitty life before all of this and somehow still had a shitty one now.
"yo, Caleb, come on over" he beckoned to his 'friend'
"yo man what's up?" Caleb asked, his voice low and deep as he spoke.
"fancy taking a few quick licks" the begging in his tone was unbearable to listen too, but Caleb despised this.
He looked down upon Spencer, smiling gratefully for the revenge he would now bestow upon her.
Before she could say anything or try and escape, the end of Caleb's steel-toed boot; connected harmfully against her side.
The pain shot through her stomach like fire. She screamed. It exploded in her head with a blinding whiteness. It made her dizzy. It made her reel. The pain felt as though needles that had been dipped in alcohol had been jammed through her skin, like her ribs had been replaced with ice and electricity wired all throughout her body.
four fucking times. He has kicked her. But she wasn't done fighting just yet.
With a few shared laughs between the two men, Caleb stalked away, back to whatever the fuck psychos like him did.
And then Len crouched down beside her, she could feel his painfully hot breath against her cheek, sending waves of chills through her body, before he spoke,
"now lets get to the good bit, shall we?".
What these men were going to do to her was inevitable and unmentionable.
The thought alone was enough to send frightening shivers through her whole body as worry struck her..
She saw something shimmer to the right hand side of her.. a knife.